'Knock knock' I knocked quietly, just in case if he's sleeping or a heavy sleeper. Or he might be praying. After a few moments, I decided to knock again and as my knuckles were about to come in contact with the door, the door was opened. I almost hit my boss's face! Damn it! He looked quite surprised too but I couldn't really know why. Was he surprised to see me at this time? Or with the fact that I almost hit him in the face? Oh, come back to reality Nawal!

'Assalamualaikum. I really hope I didn't disturb you right now?' Please, please, please say no! Please! He kept looking at me then reluctantly said, 'Well yeah actually.' Damn it! Wish I won't able to talk about this. By my looks, even a one-year-old child could tell how upset I looked. As I made my way back to my room, my boss stopped me halfway. 'Miss Nawal. If you gave me the chance to explain myself that would be very much better. So, as I was saying, yes you DID interrupt me from my work but I was about to take a break. So tell me what happened?' As he finished I was so dang happy! I quickly rushed to his room and sat on his sofa and began, 'Uh, well it's gonna be a long talk so you better take a seat.' He did what I said and sat on the sofa. Then I began,

'So. It's really complicated but....well you see. I really, really, really need your help and you are actually the only one who can help me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here to seek help from you. Also, the fact that I can't really tell you the exact truth as you know, we are still strangers to each other. Not strangers as in strange-stranger. Stranger in the sense not being close to each other, to tell each other about our life problem's and issues. Don't get me wrong though. I usually don't even share my personal problems with anybody bu-'

'Miss Nawal,-'

'But still, I can't really trust people you know? Also-'

'Miss Ibrahim,-'

'Also the fact that I think, no. I believe that people will simply just judge me and ignore my problem. Why they even will bother about it? It's not like it's their family problem but I still expect them to understand my sufferings an-'


I suddenly stopped my rambling. Okay, I just realized I started to ramble due to my nervousness. I really am not good at family issue talks as nobody was there to talk. And apparently he's the first to talk and here I'm sweating as if I'm going through my exams.

'Breathe Miss Nawal breathe. Calm down.' I did what he said and it kinda felt nice. 'Now, slowly and clearly tell me what's the matter? And no. I won't judge you. In fact, I'm dying to help you.' He said with a small smile on his face. I swear at this time it feels as if Allah sent angels to help me, in the form of a human being. So I decided to tell him the truth.

'My parents used to beat...' shit! I did not have to say this. 'My life story is another time to talk. So, long story short I couldn't suffer anymore so I ran away from Saudi and started living in Norwich. My little sister, Aziza is suffering for the punishment she never committed. Today when she called, I actually realized how selfish I'm. I mean, who does that to their baby sister?' I said with a sob coming out of my mouth. 'She said....she said she can't handle there. She wants me to take her away from that hell-hole. I can't do it on my own. Can you please help me on this one? I'll owe you for the rest of my life.' I ended my talk while silently crying. While trying to control myself not to completely breakdown, I saw Mr. Aadil with a tissue box in his one hand and the other on my shoulder to support me. I accepted the tissue from him with a small smile on my face and I don't know why but this moment feels so right. Did I just....? Oh, snap out of it idiot! He literally is touching my shoulder and what are you thinking? For god sake, he is freaking non-mehram. He's your boss for crying out loud! As I looked at his hand- that's on my shoulder, I guess he too realized what he did so he removed his hand and stated,

'When do we start our mission?'


Assalamualaikum guys! Here we are, again with a new chapter! Hope you really enjoyed this.

I feel I should say this. I was somewhat disappointed we couldn't reach our goal of 20 votes. So I'm thinking to start it again..

Can we reach this chapter to 10 votes?

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Love y'all💕

And keep us and everyone in your dual...

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