Dress ups and 'Fess ups

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I feel like I haven't done a Salem chapter in a while. By the way, this may be the second to last chapter.

"No." Salem said.
"Aww, it'll be fun." Katie told her.
"Not. A. Chance."
"Fine. Whatever."
The big camp ball was tonight. It happened once a summer, although in other summers it had been forgotten, due to wars and such. But Katie always loved them. The Apollo cabin sang the best songs. This year, Katie was told that Parker might get a solo.
    Katie needed Salems help to get pick an outfit. But more importantly, she needed advice. Crush advice, to be specific.
    "I'm thinking maybe a black or white dress. Those would go well with your look." Salem told her. "Maybe this?"
     Salem pulled out a strapless dress that had a sash around the waist. It went right above Katie's knees. There were white heels to go with it.
    "Ohh this is nice." Katie grinned.
     "Try it on!" Salem nudged her.
     Katie went into the bathroom and got changed. She wobbled out. The dress hugged her nicely. She looked, well, stunning.
     "Zip me up?" Katie asked, referring to the zipper in the back.
      "Hey, Salem."
      "I think I like Travis..." Katie tells her, blushing. "What do I do? Should I tell him? How?"
      "Yes!" Salem squeals and finished zippering. "Tratie will be canon!!"
      Salem did what looked like a really weird dance. Her arms flailing, she grinned.
    "Maybe he'll ask you to the dance tonight. If he doesn't ask you by 5:00, then you ask him. If he says no, he's not worth your time!" She decided.
    "Okay. I can do that!" Katie smiled.
     "Now, ta-da!" Salem announced, showing jazz hands. "Look in the mirror."
     Katie looked in the mirror. Salem was right. It looked really good on her.
    "Thank you so much!!" Katie squealed. "Would you help me get ready later?"
     "You know it!" Salem winked.
      Katie continued admiring herself in the mirror just as Parker walked in. With roses. Blushing.
     "Hey, Katie. Nice dress." Parker complimented, smiling.
     "Thanks!" Katie flashed him a smile.
      "Anyways, Salem. I need your help." Parker blushed, sitting on Salem's bed.
     "Shoot." Salem sat next to him.
      "I wanna ask out June."  Parker sheepishly grinned.
       "Whoop, there it is." Sang Katie.
Parker blushed. Hard. He looked down at his feet, with his hair hiding his face.
"So why do you need my help?" Salem asked.
"Well, uh, I don't really know how." Parker mumbled.
"Ah. I see. Are those roses for her?" Salem pointed to the roses Parker had in his hand.
"Yeah." Parker looked up.
"If I were you, I would give her the flowers and straight up ask her. She doesn't seem one to take hints." Salem advised. "But be sweet about it. Smile. And don't lash out if she refuses."
"Okay. I can do this. Okay." Parker stood up and walked out the door. Five seconds later he returned in a panic.
"Never mind. I can't." Parker paced back and forth across the room.
"Yes. Yes, you can. I have a feeling she likes you back." Katie told him, stopping him in his tracks.
"Really? How'd you know?" Parker inquired, his eyes lighting up.
"I'm no daughter of Aphrodite, but I know June." Katie winked. "And she is totally crushing on you."
"Okay. I can do this." Parker said, heading toward the door. He stopped at the doorway and turned around. "Thanks, guys."
Then, he left.

"I can do this." Travis breathed.
"Yeah, you can!" Connor roared. "Who's the prank master? Who's the thief master? Ladies man? Co-counselor of the Hermes cabin? Future college kid?"
"Uh... me?" Travis said, but it sounded like a question.
"Yeah, you!" Connor patted his back. "Now, who's gonna ask out Katie Gardener?"
"Me?" Travis gulped.
"You!" Connor grinned. "Earlier I saw her head to the Aphrodite cabin. Let's march you over there!"
Travis looked at Connor in disbelief. "You think I'm ready?"
Connor patter his brother on the back. "Of course I do. You're my big brother, remember? You're ready for everything."
"Thanks. For everything. But don't think having a girlfriend will get rid of me anytime soon." Travis held out his fist for a bump.
"I wouldn't dream of it." Connor obliged.

Parker knocked on the door to the Hermes cabin.He waited for about five seconds in an agonizing silence. He started to panic. What if she's not there? Or she says no? Or even worse, she's going with someone else?
The door swung open. A girl- by name, Miranda- answered.
"You looking for June?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?" Parker asked nervously.
"You two always hang out. I'll get her for you." Miranda shut the door slightly.
"I DONT HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" June screamed.
"YOU WISH HE WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Miranda screeched in return.
June pushed her way to the door. Her face was burning red. "Sorry about that."
June gave her half-sister a death glare, before turning her attention back to Parker.
"So, what do you need me for?" June asked, her blush easing a bit.
"Well," It was Parkers tun to blush. "I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the Camp Ball tonight."
June hesitated. "As a friend, or as a date?"
"A-a date." Parker stuttered. "Also, here." Parker handed June the roses.
June took them and smelled them. She closed her eyes and smiled. Then, she did something Parker didn't expect. She tackle-hugged him.
"Yes, yes, YES! I'd love to be your date!" June screamed.
Parker smiled. He hugged her back and grinned. And blushed. And laughed.
"Really? I can't wait! This'll be so fun!" Parker exclaimed.
"I know!"
"JUNES GOT A BOYFRIEND, JUNES GOT A BOYFR-" Miranda sang, before getting hit in the face with a shoe.

Travis approached the Aphrodite cabin. He knocked on the door with anxiety.
Remember, Connor believes in you. You can do this. He thought as the door swung open.
"Hey, Travis. Whatcha doing here?" Katie asked.
"Well, I'm, you see-" Travis got interrupted by an impatient Salem.
"CONFESS ALREADY!!" Salem screeched from behind Katie.
"Katie, I like you. Like, like-like. Like, dating like. Wow I'm saying like a lot. Anyways, I was wondering, would you be my date to the Camp Ball tonight?" He rambled. "You don't have to say yes. But if you want to you can..."
     "Travis." Katie looked at him deadpan. His heart skipped a beat. "I'm sorry but..."
      His heart dropped. She would say no.
     "I'd love to go with you." She finished.
    "Really? Seriously? Yay!" He pumped his fist in the air. "Pick you up at 6?"
    "Sounds good. See you there." Katie laughed.
     Travis' heart pounded. She said yes. She said yes.

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