Im home chapter 20

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                     ~were you are~
A  day has already past and we where close to our arrival. I couldn't wait I was excited to see my mother and siblings again. Oh how I missed them so much. When I was in the carriage my stomach started to hurt. I thought to myself oh it's just period cramps I'll be over it. When we arrived we into town I started to feel less pain. As the excitement made me forget about it. It's like I never left.
When we arrived at the castle I saw my mother waiting for me. When I got out I ran up to her and hugged her.
"Mother!" I yelled.
"My darling my how you've changed. Are you ok with everything over there. Did George do anything to you I swear to god if he did I will..." I cut my mother off before it went out of hand.
"I'm fine. He's been very good to me."
"Well I'm just watching out for you. I have a strange feeling about everything as your sister has been missing for over months."
"Ariel?! Where did she go did you look every wear even in all of France and Britain?"
"We've searched in all of France my darling but not all of Britain."
"Oh god. We have to find her."
"Don't worry we have the guards looking for her 24/7."
Some one walks out from the doors. I couldn't recognized him from first but then I saw that familiar face. My little brother.
"Sister!" He yelled.
"Lewis!" I ran toward him and I gave him a big bear hug."my how you've grown. You just look like father."
"It's been lonely in the castle with out you and sister."
"I know I heard from mother she is trying everything to find her."
My mother walks over.
"We should get inside I bet your starving from the long trip."
"Yes I am my stomach has been hurting all day." We walk in as we go and eat.
After we eat I stay with my brother as we talk.
"Mother says I will have to be the next sir to the throne here. What's it like to rule big sister?"
"Well it's a lot of work but you won't be alone if you meet a special someone to help you on the way."
"Ew sister!"
"What I'm just saying."
We rode our horses into town as we watched from the tallest hill what was happening in town.
"Lewis you see everything the light touches will be yours as well as mine as we are all connected together as one."
"What about Britain?"
"Well that's George's and my territory as we share it together."
"So what will happen if something happens to me?"
"Lewis nothing will happen to you. Don't think like that."
"But what if."
"Well.. then I would protect it under your name of the kingdom."
I start to feel the same feeling when I was in the carriage.
" brother we should go home I don't feel so good."my brother nods as we ride back home.
I rush back into the castle as my mother sees me.
" what's wrong sweet heart?"
I throw up as I felt not so sick in my stomach anymore.
" mother get help." I said catching my breath.
My mother calls the servants to get the doctor as she helps me up to bed.
"I never felt this sick so much in my life." I said as my mother put a wet cloth over my head.
"just relax the doctors on his way."
When the doctor arrives he checks if I have fever which I don't then checks my stomach. Apply pressure to see if there is any pain.
"Ahhh!" I yelled in pain.
"I could see what might be wrong with you." The doctor says as he looks at my mother and me."well from the looks of it your highness is that you are pregnant."
"i'm sorry WHAT!" I say in shock.
My mother looked shock as me.
"well thank you Doctor for all you've done."
The doctor bows as he leaves.
" sweet heart are you alright?"
I lay there in silence.
"leave me a bit mother I need to take this in for a while." My mother leaves as I'm in the room alone.

Your p.o.v
"oh God how my going to tell this to George."

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