Bloody queen chapter 13

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               ~early in the morning~
"My lord you must get up, we have to prepare you." One of the maids said.
"5 more minutes." I burry my head into the pillow.
"My lord please it's the wedding!"
"Oh shit!" I spring out of bed and I forgot I still had the dress on. The maids help me get all the stuff I need. I eat breakfast first as they do my hair.
I look in the mirror when they finished it.

"Do you like it my lord?" One of the maids said

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"Do you like it my lord?" One of the maids said.
"I love it! Now I should get dressed into the dress."
"My lord the king wanted to give you this. It is the vale of what his mother wore on her wedding. Hope you would wear it."
"I should get my dress on then put he vale on." I get the dress on as I put the vale on. I look in the mirror. The vale covers my face.

(Sorry for he random women)The maids get the big long cape that came with the dress and put it on me

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(Sorry for he random women)
The maids get the big long cape that came with the dress and put it on me. They also give me my bouquet of flowers. I put a little bit of makeup on then I was ready.
I see a lot of people on the room as almost all the people in the village came. He guards open the door as they all turned and looked at me. I walk down the i'll slowly as I see George there with his golden crown with a red suite and with a cape similar to mine. My mother and brother where there but I didn't see my sister. It was strange.
"We are gathered here to reunite these two rulers in depth of there kingdoms freedom. But it's mostly about there true love. Now King George William Frederick do you take Y/N Y/MN Y/L to be your queen. To care for her through sickness, hard times for both kingdoms and health." The priest says.
"I do."
"And you Y/N Y/MN Y/L do you take king George William Frederick to be your lawfully wedded king. And to care for him through sickness,hard times for both kingdoms and in health."
"I do!"
"Now who ever says these 2 shall not be married speak now of forever hold your peace." No one says anything."now I present you the new king of queen of England and France. You may kiss the bride."
George lifts the vale up and we both lean in and we kiss. The people go crazy. I was now a queen like my mother. Me and George walked down together as we went upstairs as there was a balcony as the towns people can see who there new rulers where. I saw my mother and brother head to one of the carriages and go in. I think my sister was with them i don't know but I gazed into George's eyes as I saw he was excited as I was. We stayed up there for a while then we went back down to the reception. When we got there I saw so many people I didn't know. Samuel was standing at one of the tables. Most of the people at the receptions where nobles men and ladies of the court.
Me and George sit down and Samuel gives me and George a glass of champagne.
"A toast to the new rulers." Samuel shouts.
The people cheer. George nuzzles against me as I do to him. He was happy and I also sensed something was up. We ate dinner then had cake. When it was done we had our dance. George takes my hand and leads me too the ball room. We get in our dancing position.
"Are you happy my love." He says.
"Yes very." I look down.
"What's wrong my love."
"It's that my mother and siblings left not even getting to see me dance or anything."
"Don't worry love. What matters now is that we have each other now." George leans into me as our eyes meet. As a low candle light makes the room glow his eyes sparkle like the ocean. He spins me around as the people join to dance as well.
We laugh and we cry during the party making silly mistakes as we keep loving anyway. I start to get tired as I head to my bedroom. George stays with the guest as some start to leave. I take off my dress and get into my nightgown.

It starts to get more quite as the people leave

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It starts to get more quite as the people leave. I walk out and I see Samuel and George talking. George sees me as he walks towards me and grabs my hand. He puts his cape around me.
"George what are yo-" I was cut off as he puts his fingers on my lips.
"Follow me my love~"
He takes me upstairs and he sits me down on his bed.
"Uh George?!" I said blushing and scared. What was he trying to do.

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