The dress chaper 10

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                 ~few weeks later~
Weeks have gone by and soon it will be December (sorry I don't know what to pick for a wedding month) Hercules has been working on my dress everyday. He says it's almost done as I can't wait to see it. He will be going to America soon to fight as before he goes I wanna see the dress.
"Your highness the dress is ready." Hercules says bowing. I rush in and I couldn't wait to see it.

"It's beautiful!""Glad that you like it your highness

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"It's beautiful!"
"Glad that you like it your highness." Hercules smiles.
"I'm gonna try it on." Hercules leaves the room as I put the dress on. I look in the mirror and it is just stunning. It hugs my body.
"You look amazing your highness the king will love it." Hercules says blushing a bit.
"Thank you Hercules so much."
I see that Samuel was here to get Hercules."well I guess this is goodbye then."
"Yes it is."
"Thank you for everything." I go up and hug him. Samuel brings him along as I wave goodbye to him. I hear foot steps come up behind me as it was George. He startled me.
"My lady I have a letter for you from your family." He says rapping his arms around my waste.
"Thank you George-" before I got to speak more he brought me closer as I got a little scared. His blue eyes got me caught onto a trance but I had to look away to read the letter.
I open it and I start to read it.
"Dear Y/N, your mother and I and your siblings are Coming to visit you for your big day. We are so proud in what will be taking place. With love father."
My family is coming to visit me! I am excited. Both country's of Britain and France will stand together in peace just what my father wanted. I went to my room and placed the letter near the bird cage. George followed me as he wondered near me like a lost puppy.
"George what's wrong?" I said coming close to him.
He came closer and picked me up.
"Ahh! George what the hell!"
He went and sat on his thrown as I was in his lap.
"George answer me!"
I heard him mumble something I couldn't quite get.
"Oceans rise empires fall." He mumbled again.
"What are you saying George?"
"Oh nothing my lady just stuff I have to talk to the guards about." He nuzzled against me.
I laughed as it tickled.
"How did I get so lucky to get a lady like you~" he said flirting with me.
I giggled as he kissed me on the lips.
We put our heads next to each other's and we closed our eyes wishing this moment will stay forever.
(Srry for a short chapter hope u enjoyed it)

King GeorgeIII X Reader               Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ