Chapter 24

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Rows POV:

The morning sun shone through the blue silk curtain in my room making my room bright and warm. I was up just after dawn and the cold stone floor was always horrible in the morning but it did wake you up.

I had finally persuaded Arthur to allow me to come on a hunt and I was so excited, the thrill and skill it takes in such a sport was so exciting. Don't get me wrong I didn't enjoy the killing but it was how the men used a different technique every time that was so incredible to me.

I had picked out some light brown trousers to match the knee-high boots I had made for me, on my top half I wore an ivory colour shirt with a leather jacket that had a simple dot design around the edges. The jacket it's self came with watching leather gloves which made the outfit even more enticing. I tied my hair into a high pony tail so that it wouldn't get in my way when we were riding and even hunting.

He told me to meet him at 7 in the courtyard and if I didn't leave now I was going to be so late. It was a good thing I wasn't wearing heals otherwise I would have made such a racket as I ran down the hallways. The clock chimed the hour and I was just coming out of the door and saw Artur with the other knights and even a tired looking Merlin about to climb on their horses.

I walked down the steps towards the white stallion I presumed I would be riding. What gave it away you ask? The fact that this horse had braided hair maybe. Were they playing a joke on me? "Good morning Row excited for out hunt today?" I brought my attention back to the young prince "Oh yes! I'm glad you finally agreed to letting me come!"

"Well you wouldn't stop asking. May I?" he gestured to the horse wanting to give me a leg up I nodded a placed the heel of my left boot onto his hand and put both hands onto the horse ready to swing my other leg over. He counted to three and then lifted me higher than I would have expected and I had successful gotten onto my horse.

Arthur was now mounted on his and the company trotted through the city until we were outside of the castle gates where we could canter. Listening to the songs of the birds this early in the morning was so beautiful and to feel the wind in my hair always gave me the sensation of flight and I never felt so free.

Once we were in the woods Arthur kept me by his side at all times right at the front so I had a clear view of everything around me. We were crouched down in some bushes and I must say they were not the most comfortable place to be in. "Merlin spear!" Arthur whispered loud enough for Merlin to hear. However, Merlin always managed to make something happen as he was handing Arthur his choice of weapon he didn't observe that next to him was an obvious tree trunk. He immediately dropped it making a loud noise as it hit the floor.

Arthur was already frustrated by Merlin ad it had been what 5 minutes? A new high score perhaps? "You haven't any natural gifts Merlin!" it was so difficult to keep a straight face when these two were close by, every second of each day they annoyed one another. "Uh let me think... I'm not naturally rude or insensitive."

"Just naturally irritating". Taking my hand Arthur pulled me along with him as the rest of the knights followed closely behind. That's when we heard a strange noise, obviously from an animal but I had no idea what creature it could have been. Bear perhaps? And if that was the case I really didn't want to be near one. My grip on Arthurs hand tightened from the nerves not that it helped it was just something that I did when I was nervous.

He looked back to face me "It's probably more scared of you than you are of it don't worry." Don't worry hey? I'm afraid it's not that easy Arthur. He silently instructed the knights behind him to split up so they could surround it and easily get to whatever it was. They did as their Price said quietly running off into the woods. When suddenly the beast revealed its self to us and let me tell you that was not your normal woodland animal. This thing had a head of a snake but then had 4 legs like any other mammal.

BBC Merlin Fanfic - Destiny UNEDITED!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu