Chapter 19

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"Lady Rosa, I don't believe we met personally" she walked over towards me that evil grin was quickly wiped away and now she pretended to be nice! She has some nerve. "No, we haven't and what did you do to Merlin?" Her father laughed at my question "if he's strong enough he'll be fine". What's that supposed to mean?

I looked towards Arthur his eyes were back to its normal colour no longer that terrifying red ones. He was looking straight at me with no expressions what so ever. I wasn't going to let her win instead I turned straight to him and took hold of his hands. "Arthur look at me, I don't know what your mind is telling you right now but I want you to listen". No objection yet and it seemed he was focused on me. "What Merlin said was true, your enchanted. Sophia wants to sacrifice you to be immortal and live in Avalon. You have to somehow fight it Arthur, I don't know how but find the strength please! For me and for Camelot." He was about to say something till Sophia began speaking, her voice got so irritating.

"You care a lot about him, don't you?" I didn't reply, I wasn't going to give her anything to use against me. "He carers for you too it would seem, whilst you were talking to him little parts of his un-enchanted self-came back and that's never happened before". No that's not true me and Arthur are just friends? "But he's still under our control Rosa there's nothing you can do. So, I wonder what we can do to keep your mouth shut!" Her tone instantly changed and Alfred took over.

"She's too stubborn to listen our only solution is to silence her completely". He raised his staff ready to realise the magic within when Sophia stopped him? "I have a better idea." Her eyes turned red, my eyes move back to Arthur whose eyes shared the same blood colour as hers. He began walking closer to me, pushing me back till I was against the wall with nowhere to go. His hand reached for my neck holding it there for what seemed like forever. Would he really be able to do it? Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours and still no tension around my throat. Just the feeling of his gloved hand holding my neck gently. "NO! Stop fighting it Arthur!" His eyes were on second red then back to blue this continued for a minute until they were completely blue once again. A smile came to my face, I knew he wasn't rid of them but he managed to fight them off.

"If he won't kill you, you must watch him die!" Alfred cast some sort of spell and vines bind my wrist together he pulled me harshly behind him while Sophia and Arthur walked together. "I will not do such a thing, there's no way you can succeed I will do everything I can to prevent it." The two laughed wickedly and they were wrong in doing so, I hated being powerless. They discovered a secret passageway in his room and that was their escape route, it was so dark in here but his staff glowed brightly giving us some sort of light.

We reached the courtyard and there were horses waiting outside the castle gates. Seeing as they had only planned for the three of them I had to ride with one of them, definitely not Sophia or her father so it would be Arthur. Thoughts of our first ride came back to me as if they were yesterday. It was hard to believe that was almost a year ago. I was watching the two very carefully when I felt a firm grip on my arm pull me up to sit behind them. Arthur was not to blame for this but that really hurt. I held onto his torso tightly as we galloped through the fields to the lake me and Merlin followed Alfred.

Sophia and her father jumped off their horses walking to the side. Arthur was next and then helped me down. Before he could walk to the direction that those horrid too stood I took a hold of his firm arm making him look back at me. "Please Arthur don't listen to them". To no surprise at all there was no response, or so I thought. "I can't Row" was all he said before pulling me with him to where the two were waiting.

Sophia placed her staff down on the floor and father and daughter began their final conversation. "Go they're waiting for you" she shook her head in confusion "I don't understand your coming too?" "Only one of us can pass through this was never meant for me". I watched the young girl closely and I know I saw tears beginning to form. "But I only wanted this so we could both return to Avalon."

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