chapter 50

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after that call Cedi and i had a fight. He said he'll be back in Manila after three days but  i waited for nothing. Then he called again saying that i need to wait for him but when will it be? sooner or later i might give birth to our son and my family wants me back in Mindanao since he is not around but he keep on stopping me from going back home. He says he wants to be with me when i give birth to the baby but that is too impossible. It's been two weeks now but he didn't arrive at the day that he said. So what i did is i flight back to Iligan with my mom.

after a long flight I'm finally home at last. Can't wait to see my family. I was still on the cab and saw my family and friends waiting and eager to meet me with a big stomach. They greeted me as soon as i open the door of the cab. Some of them took my luggage and the boxes from the trunk.

"hey kathy!" my childhood friend Alicia hug me with her best hug. " how are you?" she asked. "I'm fine and happy" i replied "and the baby?" she looked down to my belly and surprised as she saw how big my belly is "i think any minute now it will burst" she said like it was an alarm "hey! stop it! he's alright, you can touch it" i said rubbing my belly "no, i won't im afraid i might shattered your womb." she said putting her hands up. I don't know what comes into her mind why she said that but one thing is for sure this girl is awesome weird. I can't blame her she's still a virgin until now because she believe that your virginity should be keep for your husband. She walked me to our home and i was shocked when i saw half of our family was waiting for me in the living room. They really planned to surprised me. "aww" is the only word i utter when i read the word WELCOME HOME KATHRINE AND BABY BOY. I feel very lucky having them in my life. This is the best.

Now that i'm home i feel secured and happy, i never get stressed easily since i have someone to talk to with my problems. Not like in my condo that i need to settle my mind and think of it alone. Before i flight back to Iligan i called Arthur to say my goodbye. He said he was happy that i decided to go home and be stress free. He was currently at Paris and said he was sorry for not being with me all the time. I also called my few friends in manila and said that i filed a temporary leave at work because my due date is coming and they all agreed to come in Iligan when i give birth to the baby. Speaking of calls Cedi didn't give me a call after i told him that i went home with mom and i didn't wait for him guess his disappointed at me but i stay in my feet and stand with my pride i can't wait for him alone. He need to come home if he wants to see his son.

Since i feel bored watching Korean dramas i decided to go to mall and have a round of walk at the park. I went to the bathroom and clean my body, i put some light make up and a lipstick. I wear a floral dress that stretch just above my knee. "Mom I'll go to mall" i said as i put the pair of my sandal. "what time will you come home?" she asked while cleaning the kitchen "I'm not sure but i promise to be home early" i said almost yelling "goodbye mom". I walked to the street to look for a jeep when i feel my stomach hurt. Is this the right time? Gosh, it can't be Cedi hasn't come home yet, i said to myself. Suddenly the pain i feel become more painful i don't think so that i can take it anymore. I tried to walk back to our home but every step that i take causes more pain, i sat down at the sidewalk crying for help to the people. "Help please, i think im in labor" a guy from a far came to me and carried me in his arms. I tried to keep my eyes open but i can't feel anything now. All I can see is a dark, dark.

I feel someone holding my hand. I tried to get it but it's holding too tight, suddenly the person's head lift up and i saw how worried her face is. "kath thank God your awake." she said with a worry voice "hey mom" i said i tried to sit straight but my stomach aches "ouch! why does...?" i stop in the middle of my sentence when i realized my baby isn't in my belly anymore. "mom?" i look at my mother who has a worried expression plastered all over her face. "where is my baby? where is he? mom!!! answer me!" i shouted. i struggle to get out of the bed but the two nurse came to my room and inject something on me that helps me to calm down. My eyes suddenly want to close on it's own, i watch my mom as soon as i feel the medicine hit my nerves and let me sleep.

I wake up again in the same white walls and with the same hands who hold me an hours ago. I tried to remain calm and slowly squeezing my mom's hand. She lift up her head and smile "kath, calm down okay?" she said holding my hand, i nodded my head signs that she can continue to talk "you're baby is still in the infirmary section since you are a cesarean they just can't bring him here because you are asleep" i feel my body relaxed a soon as i heard that my baby is okay. I give my mom a wide smile and held out my arms indicating i want to hug her. She went closer to me and hug me, the door to my room suddenly open and a nurse came in carrying my baby boy.

Three days after and here I am at home taking to my son. I name him Aleeve Mckenzy it was arthur and I who picked the baby name when he was still 2 months in my womb. His eyes were mine, his long nose looks like his father and all over. I think his eyes were the only thing he got from me. "how are you?" a voice asked, i look at my door and look surprised when i saw Arthur and my friends standing at the door. I squeal at the excitement and jump out of my bed and hug them one by one. "I'm glad you made it" i said to them "so are we" kenneth said "don't you know that we had a fight before coming here" jenica informed me. "because we can't cancel all our meeting schedules until this day came" it was mon-mon who answered the question that was still in my head and i didn't had the chance to spill out. They stayed at our house for two nights and went back to manila for their canceled meeting just to see my son. Arthur feel alive when he heard that it was still the name of the baby.


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i'm working hard on this story :D

thanks guys for adding this to your reading list :D

it will end soon :(

Sexmate ( COMPLETE)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara