Chapter Fifty Six -Questioning-

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I nervously cleared my throat, meeting her explosive stare. She's a highly intelligent and carefree woman.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Hanji merely suppressed a giggle, turning to face Prince Levi who stood neatening his cravat with a deep sigh. Hanji leant close with a cheeky grin adorning her crazed face.

"So who made the first mov-"

"Keep your loud mouth shut, shitty-glasses."

Prince Levi dismissed any questions with attitude - to which I answered for him. I'll offer answers about our relationship in a silent apology for trying to hide it earlier.

"He did."

Hanji's eyes widened as she clambered towards me, lightly taking ahold of my hands. I've never seen Hanji look so overjoyed in all my life. I know Prince Levi and her are good friends, but to think she worries about his love life to this extent... is creepy.

"Eh? Really?! Did he kiss you first?"

I stood my ground, forcing my embarrassment away with a stern nod of my head. I loudly announced: "yes!" before Hanji erupted into cheering, praising Levi for acting on his feelings which he'd repressed for so many years.

Upon hearing my answer, Prince Levi smirked softly, disappearing behind the dividing screen to change his clothing once again. Hanji began to ask more... personal questions.

Whist Prince Levi remained hidden behind a royal screen, Hanji leant close to my ear and whispered:

"Have you slept together?"

I quickly hushed her, almost like she wasn't an incredibly higher class than me. Almost like we'd been friends for years. I reluctantly nodded, maintaining strong eye contact while I did so.

"Wah~ when's the wedding? I'll be a bridesmaid!"

I lightly took ahold of Hanji's sleeve and told her if she didn't quieten down, I'd stop answering her beloved questions. She instantly went silent. Prince Levi stepped out from behind the screen, wearing simple black clothing and his pale cravat.

I secretly swooned from afar.

"I don't remember inviting you in here."

Hanji began to whine.

"Don't be so cruel, Levi! I can visit whenever I want!"

Hanji frowned, clearly desperate to know more true information instead of rumours. She's awfully interested... I stood from my previous position on the linen sheets, much to Prince Levi's unhappy frown, and decided to escort Hanji back to her room.

"Just where the hell are you going, (Y/N)? I need to discuss something with you."

Hanji squeaked softly, claiming she'd leave us alone to: "chat." I bid her good-day and promised to meet her around two' o clock. Once the navy door gently clicked closed and Hanji was out of sight, Prince Levi swiftly approached my presence with a darkened glare.

"Don't let her pry. Just swat her away like the annoying pest she is."

I chuckled gently, amused by such harsh terminology. Prince Levi seemed dismayed by my laughter, ordering my silence immediately. I tensed once his thumb grazed my chin and tilted my head upwards in a lewd attempt to glance upon my purple mark.

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