chapter fourteen

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"Lets check you again, Amanda," Mary said as she walked back into Amanda's hospital room. Simon had gotten out of Amanda's bed to sit by her side as the contractions were making Amanda moody and ferocious towards him as he was the one who had gotten her pregnant.

Amanda spread her legs again for Mary and she checked Amanda's dilation and then wrote it down again.

Amanda felt another agonizing contraction rip through her body and she cried out with pain, saying, "fuck! This hurts!"

"Amanda, you're ten centimeters dilated. On the next contraction, I want you to push, dear," Mary spoke.

Amanda nodded her head and clasped Simon's hand in hers.

"We're going to have a baby soon," Simon said and he kissed Amanda's forehead. "I love you so much, Amanda."

Amanda glared at her boyfriend and said, "I hate you right now for getting me pregnant."

Simon knew that Amanda didn't mean it as she did love him. It was just the pain of the contractions that was talking.

Amanda cried out with pain and squeezed Simon's hand as a contraction came so she pushed as she cried out. Simon felt most of the feeling go out of his hand as Amanda clenched it while she pushed. He winced himself, with pain, as Amanda's next contraction came and she pushed again.

"Good, Amanda! The head is crowning," Mary said as she got ready to catch Madison as she emerged from Amanda.

The contractions were so close together that Amanda had no break from them and she cried out with pain again as she pushed.

"The head is out now! Just a few more pushes and you'll have a baby," Mary said.

"I can't push anymore," Amanda said. She was already exhausted because she had only gotten around two hours of sleep, in twenty minute increments, before she had woken up from how painful the contractions were. Simon kissed her forehead again and pushed a few strands of hair out of Amanda's face.

"Just a few more, love. I know that you can do it," Simon encouraged Amanda. "I know that you don't give up that easily."

Amanda squeezed his hand and said, "take off my hospital gown."

Simon looked towards Mary as Amanda had her next contraction and pushed again. Mary nodded towards Simon to give him permission to untie the hospital gown so he did as quick as he could.

"The shoulders are out, Amanda. Two more big pushes and you'll have a baby," Mary said.

Simon gave Amanda his hand back as he had taken the hospital gown off of Amanda so she was naked except for the nursing bra underneath the covers. Amanda squeezed tightly on Simon's hand as she pushed and cried out with pain as she beared down.

"Fuck!" She swore as she pushed. "Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck!"

"Come on, Amanda. You're almost done! One more push," Mary encouraged.

Amanda groaned out with pain and beared down. This would be the last push until she saw her baby girl. A baby's cry emancipated from in between Amanda's thighs and Mary lifted up Amanda and Simon's child.

"Congratulations," she spoke. "It's a girl! I'll clean her up and then you can hold her, Amanda."

Amanda was breathing heavily from pushing out Madison and she was grinning. The most Amanda could currently do to communicate was nod, so she nodded that it was alright with her that Mary could clean Madison up so Amanda could hold and feed her.

Mary cleaned up Madison quickly, washing away the blood and she let Simon cut his daughter's umbilical cord. Simon was grinning from ear to ear as he cut Madison's umbilical cord. Mary brought Madison to Amanda and placed the newborn in Amanda's arm and onto her chest so she could hold her while Mary delivered the placenta.

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