chapter thirteen

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Simon and Amanda snogged for a while after they had slow danced. They had been thinking about making love but they decided not to because of how far Amanda was in her pregnancy.

That had made Simon frustrated because he had gotten an erection while they had been snogging. Simon had been forced to wank off the erection in their bathroom instead of him and Amanda making love.

It was now the middle of the night, early morning of Simon's birthday. Amanda woke up around one a.m. with contractions. The baby wasn't supposed to be due for another four weeks. She was only thirty six weeks along. These were real contractions though, hers and Simon's baby girl was on her way.

Amanda shook Simon awake and told him, "it's time."

"Please tell me that you're kidding with me," Simon said.

"No; I've been laying here timing the contractions. They're about twenty minutes apart so they're real. We're going to have a baby soon," Amanda responded. That got Simon moving quickly.

"Shit! We have to get you to the hospital then!" Simon said. He got into their closet and took out an old duffle bag. "What do I need to put in?"

"Nappies, breast pump, bottles, clothes for me, blankets for the baby, clothes for the baby, and pacifiers."

Simon put in what Amanda told him. He finished packing a bag for Amanda to take to the hospital in record time.

"We have to call Alesha or David," Amanda reminded. "Call David, love. He's more likely to be awake at this time."

Simon got on the phone with David, who, like Amanda had said, was awake at one a.m.

Amanda grimaced with pain as a contraction came. She felt a liquid drip down her legs and it was coming from her vagina. Amanda's water had broken and the baby would be coming quicker than before when she had woken Simon up around ten minutes before. She breathed deeply as the contraction passed, focusing on ignoring the pain of it.


"What?" Simon looked up from texting David on his phone. David lived fairly close to Simon and Amanda so he should have been on his way to spend the rest of the night and their house to watch Hollie and Eric.

"My water just broke," Amanda announced. "How close is David to getting here?"

"He's on his way as fast as he can. He'll be here in around five minutes, love," Simon responded. He sat down beside Amanda and helped her to sit up. He rubbed her back and kissed her cheek.

"I need to change and you need to put on a shirt," Amanda said. She got up from bed with some difficulty and got out a pair of yoga pants and one of Simon's old tee shirts. It was identical to the one she had worn when she had gotten into the accident in. Amanda changed out of her night gown and put on a fresh pair of knickers because hers were soaked from her water breaking, a nursing bra, the tee shirt, and the yoga pants.

Simon got out a grey tee shirt and put it on. He was already wearing the sweat pants he had fallen asleep in so he was dressed as comfortably as Amanda was.


David had finally arrived at Amanda and Simon's house so they could leave to go to the hospital. The hospital was twenty minutes away but they were only half way there.

"Can you drive faster, love?" Amanda asked. Another contraction had come a minute before, a couple of minutes before it was actually supposed to happen. "My contractions are coming quicker, Simon."

"I'll push the speed limit then," Simon replied. "We'll be there in no time, 'Manda."

Simon and Amanda reached the hospital in fifteen minutes, but it had been because Simon had sped his way and somehow didn't get pulled over. Amanda was surprised that they didn't get pulled over because Simon had to have been going twenty over the speed limit.

"Love, we're here."


Amanda was brought almost immediately to a private room in the maternity ward. It was identical to the room she had spent a month in when she was recovering from the car accident. The sheets were white and the bed was large enough for both her and Simon to be in. The frame of the bed was plastic but the headboard was wooden. The rails of the hospital bed were down so Amanda could get in easily.

Amanda sat down on the bed and her fingers brushed against the hospital gown she was going to wear during her's and Simon's daughter's birth. She chose to wait to put it on and instead stayed in the outfit she had put on a half an hour ago.

"Fuck," Amanda whispered as she felt a contraction go through her body.

"Contraction?" Simon asked as he sat down on the bed beside Amanda. He pushed the hospital gown to the other end of the bed and pulled Amanda close to him.

"Yes," Amanda answered. "They hurt so much."

The most Simon could do for Amanda's pain was to rub her back and say soothing words and phrases in her ears each time a contraction came.

Amanda had to put on the hospital gown around two contractions and half an hour later. Her midwife had arrived at the hospital and would be in Amanda's room in a couple of minutes.

Mary breezed into the room like she wasn't half asleep like Amanda and Simon were.

"Are you ready to see how close your baby is to coming, Amanda?" Mary asked.

"Yes," Amanda replied. She already wanted Madison to come out because of how much the contractions were hurting.

"Spread your legs then, Amanda, and Simon, you might want to look away while I see how far dilated Amanda is," Mary spoke.

"Why?" Simon asked.

"I have to put my fingers into her vagina to check," Mary replied. Amanda raised and spread her legs underneath the covers like Mary had instructed, giving her midwife access to Amanda's private areas. Mary put her hand under the covers and into Amanda's vagina, checking how far dilated Amanda was. She were down how dilated Amanda was and said, "seven centimeters already, Amanda. Your baby will be here soon!"

"Good," Amanda said as a contraction came. They were coming closer and closer together and lasting longer, a sure sign that Amanda would soon have Madison in her arms.


Hey guys! Amanda is now in labour so that means the baby will be here soon and this fanfic will be over soon sadly. I'm not sure if I will make a sequel as I'm in a Comp and Critique class at my high school and that's going to take up a lot of my creativity for writing.

Did you like the Chapter? I can't wait for you guys to read the last official chapter next week because some of it is hilarious! Simon's going to get a bit of a yelling at from Amanda and it's going to be funny! Bye until next chapter!

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