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June 2018
BGT Final of season twelve

It had been eight months since Amanda had given birth to Madison. Simon was planning something and Amanda had no clue what. He would always be secretive if he was texting someone and it made Amanda worried that he was seeing someone else until Simon had reassured her that he was not and he was planning a surprise that would happen on the final of BGT.

Amanda was trying to work out what the surprise was going to be and she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried. She tried to ask Simon about it before bed at least once a week but he always evaded the question by telling her that it was a surprise so she wasn't supposed to know what it was going to be until it happened.

"Are you ready for the final, love?" Simon snuck up on Amanda from behind and placed his hands on her waist as he kissed her cheek. "You look absolutely stunning tonight, 'Manda."

"Thank you, Simon," Amanda replied.

Simon and Amanda had asked to share a dressing room instead of having separate one because they were together for over a year. Simon and Amanda hadn't yet attempted to make love in their dressing room but Amanda knew they most likely would tonight in celebration of the final.

He kissed her cheek again and brought his hands to her stomach.

"Maybe we should have another child together," Simon said.

"We have to stop using condoms first," Amanda replied. "And we'll see if you get me pregnant again. Then we'll see if children happen for us."

Amanda and Simon had chosen to start using condoms after Madison had been born. They were making love almost every night unless Amanda was on her period or Madison was crying for Amanda to feed her.

Amanda moved so she was facing Simon and kissed him.

"You're buttering me up for something," she said with a smile.

"Maybe," Simon responded, kissing Amanda back. They stood kissing for a while until Simon worked up the courage to do something he had been planning for a couple of months and he had gotten the production team on board with him to do it so he would have enough time.

Simon spoke, "Amanda, I've loved you for eleven years now and we've only been together for a little over a year now but it feels like we've been together for longer. I love you with all my heart and I know you feel the same way about me.

"I can't live without you. So, what I'm trying to say is, will you make me the luckiest man in the world by marrying me?" Simon said as he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

Amanda could feel tears starting to form so she wiped them away as her hand went up to her mouth in shock.

She could only choke out, "yes," in between the tears streaming down her face while Simon slid the ring onto her finger.


June 2019
BGT Final of season thirteen

Amanda had chosen to wear her wedding dress for the final of BGT and Simon had chosen to wear the suit he had worn when they had gotten married two weeks ago. It was a very quiet ceremony and reception so only close friends and family had been invited to the wedding.

David, Alesha, Ant, Dec and Stephen had all come because they were family friends for Amanda and Simon. Madison had been the flower girl as she had started to walk only a few months before Amanda and Simon had gotten married.

The final of BGT was now over and BGMT had been over for Amanda and Simon. Amanda had revealed that she and Simon had gotten married when one caller asked why Amanda was wearing what looked like a wedding dress. She was standing in the dressing room that she shared with Simon and she only had on her bra and knickers.

"There's my beautiful wife," Simon said as he kissed Amanda's cheek and wrapped his hands around her waist, covering half of the tattoo she had gotten a couple of months before she and Simon had married.

The tattoo was each one of her children's baby feet followed by their name and birth date, including Eric, although she did not carry him but he was now her step-son. Amanda had also gotten two death dates for two of the pairs of baby feet because it was for her first daughter who had been stillborn and for the son she had miscarried at seven months. Amanda loved the tattoo and what it represented to her.

"We should try for another child," Simon said as he kissed Amanda's cheek again, taking the kiss down her neck so Simon was kissing the crook of her neck where her shoulder and neck met.

"What would you do if I told you that I'm already pregnant and we don't need to try for another baby because I'm carrying one now?" Amanda asked. She was pregnant again and had known for about a day so she was planning to tell Simon within the week she had found out that she was expecting.

"I don't know. Maybe cheer and kiss you. Are you pregnant?" Simon questioned Amanda, bringing his hands towards her stomach and letting them rest on it.

"Well," Amanda said and paused to put one hand on top of Simon's two hands that were on top of her stomach.

"Are you pregnant again?" Simon inquired for a second time. "I have to know."

Amanda nodded and said, "yes; I'm pregnant again, love."

"How long have you known and how far along are you?" Simon asked, keeping his hands on Amanda's bare stomach.

"I've known for about a day and I'm a month along," Amanda answered with a smile.

"Oh my God," Simon said as a smile overtook his face. He went in front of Amanda, kneeled down, and kissed her stomach, saying, "I'm going to be a father again."

"Yes," Amanda said, smiling.

"You're going to have to add on to that tattoo in nine months time, love."



Hello guys and so we've reached the end of Positive and I do hope that you've loved it as much as I have writing it. I really want to thank CallMeMatthias for putting up with me talking about my fanfic writing at lunch every school day. You are awesome for doing that and you know how evil of a fanfic writer I am! I love you for that, Matt!

Thank you to you guys most of all for sticking with this fanfic until the very end. That makes my world and this is the longest fanfic I've ever written so it means a lot to me. I've had such dedicated readers and I love you all for reading this fanfic every Friday without fail. You guys are awesome!

I just want to thank you for everything. A few people have inspired me to write BGT fanfiction and I don't regret getting into that dark hole at all. It's one of the best fandoms ever and it's filled with such caring people. I'm rambling now so I'm going to say goodbye. Bye until the next fanfic!

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