chapter four

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Warning: the beginning of this part may trigger some readers. Please use caution while reading. Click out or scroll down if the beginning offends you in any way.

"Please tell me that this is a joke that you're pregnant, Amanda," Simon pleaded.

"No, Simon. It's not a joke. I'm pregnant and the baby is your child. Surprise?" Amanda responded weakly.

"Yes! This is a fucking surprise, Amanda! How did this even happen?" Simon said as he buried his face in his hands.

Amanda knew that this was not the time to have a witty comeback as Simon was so upset so she said, "we forgot protection because we were drunk that night we made the baby, Simon."

"Oh God; what are we going to do, Amanda?" Simon asked.

"I don't know. I didn't expect hour reaction to be like this, Simon," Amanda whispered.

"Maybe we could abort the bloody baby," Simon suggested with a snark as he lifted his head out of his hands.

"Hell no!" Amanda said and then ran off, tears threatening to escape her eyes. She rushed upstairs and into her bedroom again. She felt the sick creeping up her throat and just barely made it to her bathroom toilet before she threw up with morning sickness.

Amanda rested her head against the seat of the toilet, letting the tears fall freely down her face. She wiped her mouth with a piece of toilet paper and the it into the toilet bowl. She closed her eyes and out her right hand on the toilet and out her left into her hair to push it out of her eyes.

Simon probably would come after her in a minute, looking for her.

Soon enough, Amanda heard Simon's footsteps coming up the stairs, into her bedroom, and then heard Simon knock at the slightly closed bathroom door. Amanda had no time to close the bathroom door before she had succumbed to morning sickness a few minutes ago. Amanda shad been forced to slightly close the door.

She heard the door creak open and felt Simon's footsteps near her. Simon knelt down besides her and brushed the hair that was still in her face out of it. He began to rub Amanda's back to try and soothe her.

Amanda didn't try to push Simon's hand off of her back. It was working to calm her down and relax. The back rubbing felt good to her.

Simon withdrew his hand and hugged Amanda at her side. He was trying to comfort her, Amanda noticed, and it was working. Amanda let Simon hug her for a.minute until her tears started to lessen, enjoying his embrace.

"Are you alright, Mandy?" Simon asked, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Amanda's ear. Amanda nodded and sniffed so Simon effortlessly pick her up in his arms and laid Amanda down in her bed.

"Stay there for a minute, Mandy," Simon said before going back into the bathroom. Amanda heard water running and then shut off as she dried the last of her teard. Simon returned to Amanda's bedroom with a paper cup filled with water and a paper cup that was empty.

"Rinse," Simon said and handed Amanda both the cups. Amanda drank some of the water, swished it around in her mouth, and then spit it into the empty paper cup. Amanda repeated the process until the other cup that had been empty was filled with used water.

Simon took both of the cups from Amanda's hands and returned them to the bathroom to throw them out.

Simon reentered Amanda's bedroom and sat on her bed where Amanda had been laid down.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda," Simon said taking Amanda's hands in his. "I wasn't thinking when I said that you should abort the baby. I didn't realize that it would upset you, Amanda."

Amanda looked at Simon and saw it in his eyes that he was truly sorry so Amanda said, "I don't know of I can forgive you yet, Simon, but I'm willing to try forgiving you."

"Please forgive me, Amanda. I'm willing to be a father again so I'm ready to try. I'm ready to be the father of our baby," Simon spoke to Amanda.

"I'm willing to forgive you, Simon," Amanda responded. "Can we be a family?"

"I think we can handle being a family. It isn't everyday that a man can say he has Amanda Holden as a girlfriend or can say he has made love to her," Simon joked.

Amanda couldn't help but laugh and asked, "did you write that down and memorize that, Simon?"

"I wrote down some of it," Simon admitted, laughing. "Are you really pregnant, Amanda?"

"Yes," Amanda responded. She removed her hands from Simon's and lifted up her shirt. There was the pregnancy bump that Amanda was developing. It had gotten larger since she had her first ultrasound but it was still small for how far along Amanda was.

Simon looked up at Amanda, brought one of his hands forward, and then looked up at Amanda again. She nodded at him and he brought his hand to Amanda's stomach.

"How far along are you, 'Manda?" Simon asked as he rubbed his hand along Amanda's baby bump.

"Three months," Amanda responded. "I'm at the end of my first trimester so no more throwing up anymore soon."

"When did you find out you were pregnant, love?" Simon asked. Simon's questions were almost like a child's questions.

"A month and a half ago but I had figured out that I could be pregnant about a month after we had been drunk," Amanda responded.

"And shagged," Simon added on to what Amanda had said.

"Simon!" Amanda warned, "language!"

Simon laughed and then spoke, "How am I going to tell Eric? Have you told Hollie yet?"

"I've told Hollie. I just said that I was going to have a baby and she was going to be a big sister," Amanda explained.

"Should I just tell Eric he's going to be a big brother?" Simon asked.

"Well, we might want to tell the kids that their parents are dating first," Amanda responded. Simon moved his hand off of Amanda's stomach so Amanda pulled her shirt back down.

"Let's tell them then," Simon answered.


Hey guys! This was a difficult chapter for me to write because of the beginning. I'm sorry if it offends you in anyway. Simon was mad and didn't know how to react. How do you think Eric and Hollie will react in the next chapter?

Next chapter begins a good part of the story! Amanda has to tell Alesha, David, Ant, and Dec that she's pregnant and Simon needs to announce that they're a couple now! How do you think that will go over? Bye until the next chapter! Oh, by the way, I'm going be eighteen tomorrow!

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