chapter one

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Warning: There is a sex scene in this chapter at the beginning. If you do not wish to read it, skip to where you see this: ●●●●●. This will signify the end of a sex scene.


They had both been drunk. Amanda and Simon stumbled into the hotel room, kissing one another. Their tongues battled for dominance as Simon reached to pull Amanda's top off and quickly discarded it. Amanda fell onto the bed and Simon climbed on top of her, already having discarded most of his own clothes, save for his boxers. Simon pulled down Amanda's skirt with her underwear going along and then he unclasped her bra. He placed his hands on Amanda's breasts and began to knead and play with her nipples softly, making her moan with pleasure. Amanda arched her back as Simon fondled her breasts and moaned with pleasure. Amanda tugged Simon's boxers off, releasing his erect cock.

It was bigger than what she had originally thought. Simon acted like he was compensating for the size of his cock, but he apparently wasn't compensating ever. Amanda spread her legs and Simon entered her slowly, making both of them moan with pleasure in the process.


That had been over a month and a half ago for their drunken one night stand.

Amanda stared at the little stick she held in her hands. It confirmed what she had suspected two weeks ago. Amanda was pregnant.

Oh, god, she thought. How am I supposed to tell Simon I'm pregnant?

Amanda pinched herself to see if she was dreaming, and no, this was reality. She was pregnant with Simon Cowell's child. Amanda knew she wanted to keep the child, but would Simon?

Amanda didn't know how she was going to figure it all out and tell Simon she was pregnant.

Her emotions were an amalgam of scared and excited. She was both dreading and couldn't wait to tell Simon she was pregnant.


It had been one month since Amanda found out that she was pregnant so she was about ten weeks pregnant. She had taken three more pregnancy tests since the first one and they all said the same thing thing. All of the tests read that they were positive and she was pregnant.

Amanda had already told her daughter, Holly, that she was pregnant. Holly swore she wouldn't tell anybody and was so excited to become a big sister. Amanda sat on her couch and pulled out her phone. She was going to call Simon.

Amanda dialed his familiar number and then hit cancel. She couldn't think of what to say to him. She had an ultrasound appointment to go to anyways. Amanda would call him when she got home from her ultrasound and ask him to come over to her house.

So far in this pregnancy, Amanda had minimal morning sickness but while she was pregnant with Holly, she had horrible morning sickness.

As she drove to the hospital for her ultrasound, Amanda tried to think of how she could tell Simon she was pregnant with his child. When she arrived at the hospital and parked her car, Amanda was glad that the paparazzi were not allowed on the hospital grounds without special permission because of the patients. The paparazzi would figure out she was pregnant and release it to the press before Amanda could do anything. If that happened, Simon would find out that Amanda was pregnant with his child before she could tell him herself.

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