Mr. Delicious

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The year was 2000 when everything changed. I was supposed to get my fairytale and instead of getting a knight in shining armor, I got a jerk in tinfoil. I was supposed to marry the love of my life, have the 2 kids with the white picket fence, the American Dream. All I saw was his backside walking out of our Connecicut townhouse. He said he didn't love me anymore and he was too young to settle down. 7 years of my life wasted on a man I thought was my everything. Turns out he was ready, just not with me, he married, and divorced, some blonde model and set himself up in New York City condo. Apparently, he's doing very well for himself. I, despite everything, am doing well too. I work at a celebrity real estate firm. I travel a lot, and I get to meet some amazing people, I haven't met the perfect someone yet, but I guess that's what happens when you've been as jaded as I have been.

My best friend Clair and I moved to NYC a few years ago, I moved reluctantly, I was worried I would run into Bailey, but so far the city has been good to me. I haven't seen him at all in 16 years, except in the papers. He's still as handsome as ever with his dark blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, those broad shoulder that make you want to hold onto for dear life.

"Earth to Tina?" Clair is snapping her fingers is front of my face.

"Hm? Oh, good morning. Did you see the paper? Bailey is front page again." I say trying to sound annoyed.

"Yeah I saw it. Apparently the company they just bought doubled their profits last month. They are giving him high praise for turning it around." She says flatly.

"Well, good for him, hey I'm going to be late tonight. I have a blind date. Karen set me up with one of her brothers friends. I don't want to go, but I owe her for closing that deal for me." I say

"What deal was that? I thought you sold a house to that singer last week? I didn't know Karen did it?" She questions

"Yeah, Selena, I couldn't finish I went to Cali for that conference rememeber? Anyway, I'll be home early I think. I have no desire to be out tonight." I counter

"Girl, you need to get laid. Have fun, you haven't been out in God knows how long. I think Billy was your last date and he doesn't count." She snaps

"What do you mean he doesn't count?!" I say

"Uhhh, He's gay?" She says in a duh voice.

"Whatever. I'm getting ready for work." I get up and head to my room, coffee in hand. Our condo is spacious, I love it. It's open with lots of Windows looking over the city. My room is cozy though. I have everything I need in there including a large bathroom with an amazing tub, that I'll be using right now.

Work is busy, as usual, but I like it that way. I'm on the top floor in my own office. I've worked so hard to get here, I'm the top real estate agent in our firm and I command respect. Well, I'm mostly a pushover, but I do put up a scary front before you get to know me.

"Hey girl! You ready for your date tonight?" Karen comes waltzing into my office like she owns the place.

"Don't you knock? Yes, I'm ready, I'm leaving here in a few minutes to get ready. What's this guys name again?" I ask annoyed

"His name is Tom, I think you're really going to like this one."

"You say that about everyone. I'm really not interested Karen, but I owe you. After this I'm not doing this anymore ok?" I state matter of factly

"I don't think there will be a next time once you meet this eye candy. If I wasn't married I would be all over him!" She gushes

"Eww, get out of my office. I'm cleaning up, I don't want to hear about you doing others. Bill is amazing and so good to you. You should be thankful." With that I walk out of my office and to the elevators. She's strutting behind me telling me about me meeting him at the restaurant Mike's. Swanky place and I am excited about that. I love that place.

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