She slaps the folder onto the table in front of them. She takes out a photo of a young girl in her teens.

"Rei Akiyama," she says, "you killed her on August fourth of last year." She takes out a photo of another girl a little older, "Kiyoshi Fujimura. You killed her January twentieth two years ago," another photo is taken out this one is a boy in his twenties. "Masahiro Handa. You killed him two weeks ago and there's plenty of your more recent cases here too."

"I didn't—"

She cuts him off, "witnesses say they saw a tall, pale, dark haired male, with hair spiked up in the back, kill the victims."

"That wasn't me."

"Oh yeah," she scoffs, "then who?"

"Sasuke Uchiha did," he answers innocently.

She wants to slap the bastard. "You are Sasuke Uchiha!"

"I am."

"So then you admit to your crimes?"

"I told you it wasn't me."

She's practically fuming now. "You just said Sasuke Uchiha had done all these crimes."

"I did. But it wasn't a crime," he calmly states. "Its the opposite actually."

"And how is that?"

"They're in league with the Akutsuki."

"The Akutsuki are the good guys. They protect us from evil. They keep us safe—"

"They're using you," he says. "Tell me do you remember me?" He receives no answer. "You used to be my best friend along with Naruto. You were my lover. The Akutsuki took you and Naruto from me. They brainwashed you and now they're using you."

"Burn in hell."

"Its the truth," he shrugs.

"Really now. Then what are they using me for?"

"To get to me. You see this whole city is brainwashed and under the influence of the Akutsuki. If anyone is innocent its me. The Akutsuki are the bad ones."

"Say I do believe you, what makes you so special that they'd be after you?"

"Itachi Uchiha is my older brother, he killed my family and joined the Akutsuki."

"That doesn't prove the Akutsuki are bad."

"It doesn't have to," he says. "I can't tell you. I can only show you. But I can't do that now can I, considering these hand cuffs and me being locked up."

"I'll let you go so you can show me," she says.

"Thank you, Sakura. I promise you won't regret it," he says while Sakura unlocks his cuffs.

Sasuke stands up and rubs his wrists. Before Sakura could react Sasuke bangs her head on the table knocking her out.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. Trust me I really am. Everything I said was true, but I can't show least not yet. I love you and I'll see you again soon," he whispers.


Bang! Bang!

With a head smack,

And a sentimental goodbye,

The story ends.

I guess that there are times when you can trust a wolf.

Especially one that dresses as a sheep.

There is always a reason behind our actions.

And his was to protect the women he loves.

He'll come back to her someday.

But for right now,

This is...



Written by 1-BUBBLES-1

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