Chapter 25

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"Wiat, what happened?" sam asked right after I had just explained to him what went on. I sighed and sat down on the couch. dean and william came into the room and I watched William sit in the lonely chiar as Sam sat next to me. Dean stayed standin .

"I have a list. I know who all is on it. I know what they are and there are a couple with an expiration date." I summarized for him.

"So what? You think that you are just going to go out there and kill all these people and monsters?" Sam asked me. Dean hadn't thought of that.

"Sam! There are demons on the list and I made a deal. If I don't do this, then I am stuck with my cancer. And I can't do that much pain again." I said loudly. I looked at William and he looked torn.

"What if we are trying to protect someone that you are trying to kill? What happens then?" Dean then asked me. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I guess we could figure something out. Just don't worry about that!" I pointed out to them.

"How can we not worry about that?! Our stuff would cross into each other! Are we just supposed to kill you?" Sam asked me rhetorically. William tensed up and he looked at Sam. 

"No, you won't kill her." William said defensively. We all looked at him and Dean sighed. 

"We wouldn't unless we had to." Castiel corrected him. That didn't make my dragon feel any better. 

"What are you going to do for money?" Dean asked me then. I looked at him and studied him over. I was trying to thinhk of how they got thier money. 

"The same way you do. Fake names and bad credit cards. I am not dead yet, so I could use my own name once." I told them. Sam sighed and looked at Dean. 

"She can't leave yet. She hasn't even been a hunter for very long." Sam then told Dean. 

"I won't be a hunter. I'm something totally different." I pointed out. 

"Other hunters will be hunting you down." Dean added. Sam looked at me like they had won this. 

"Yeah, and when they know who my family is, they'll know not to mess with me." I countered to them. 

"Look, I have to do this. Nothing you two will say or do will stop me." I told them.

"Are there any angels on your list?" Castiel asked me. I shook my head in response.

"Not yet at least. I already told Crowley that I will not kill any of you, Charlie, Garth, or any prophet." I explained to them. William was okay with whatever I said. That was starting to scare me. What if I was becoming a monster?

"You really told him that?" Castiel asked me. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Yeah, family means a little more to me than a curse and cancer." I told him. His face softened a little. I just wanted him and I to be friends again. That wasn't going to happen now.

"Okay well while you two try to think of a reason why I shouldn't stay, I'm going to get my stuf together. I don't know when I'm going to get out of here. So please don't freak." I told them as I left the room. I knew tha tWilliam was following me to my room. I smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"What do you think, honestly?" I asked him. He smiled a little and sat on my bed.

"I am happy that you are taking control." He confessed a little. That would be enough for a little while.

I stayed in my room. I didn't pack anything. I didn't touch anything. I didn't really want to leave. I didn't want to leave when we were sort of broken. I wanted to be able to come back here without someone being angry.

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