Chapter 9

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Sam's POV:

We heard Delilah yell at Dean. He sort of deserved it. I wanted to know what she was yelling about, but she was really tearing into him. That would be enough for today. When I saw her go off ot her room, I knew that Dean was still in the kitchen. Charlie and I looked at each other to see who would go see. We both got up to see him.

"What was that about?" Charlie asked as we walked in. Dean was leaning against the counter. He looked at us and I saw that there was no explression in his face.

"I sounded like Dad. I was telling her to follow orders. Am I like him?" Dean asked us. I realized that there were times where he acted like Dad to her. They were rare, but it happened.

"No, you aren't like him. Not at all." Charlie tried to tell him. He sighed and looked to the floo .

"Dean, you aren't. You act more like Bobby. He really cared for us. All those times that Dad would drop us off with him, you act like him. Dad tried to do his best." I told him.

"Now that I am actually a father, I feel like I need to take care of her more than what she needs." Dean confessed.

"Well that's because you know that's your blood. You two will be fine." Charlie told him.

"Why couldn't you tell her?" I then asked him. Dean looked at me. This was something really serious.

"Heaven's cutest angel is out. Crowley has him. I didn't want to tell her, because she would have wanted to go get him right now." Dean told us. That was true. Delilah seemed to always want to fix things.

"So Cas's brother is trapped? Please tell me that you are going to trade the tablet out for him." Charlie said.

"That's the plan. I think that's all that we have." Dean told her. That was true. That was all that we had in our favor. Castiel came in the room and looked at all of us.

"Cas, would you please go make sure that Delilah doesn't get hurt?" Dean asked him. I looked at castiel and he nodded his head as he left the room.

"Is he her baby sitter?" Charlie asked Dean. I wanted to stop her, but I could't. He looked at Charlie and I knew that look. He didn't want to explain it.

"Delilah is a lot more like Dean than you think. She also blames herself for everything. Dean is afraid of what she'll do." I told her quickly. Charlie sighed really loud as she walked to Dean.

"You need to give her more hugs. She has no mother and she just got you. She isn't stupid either." Charlie told him. Then she left the room with me and Dean there.

"Sam, am I turning into dad?" He asked me quietly. He was really worried about this.

"No, you aren't, Dean." I told him. He really wasn't. Everything that he was doing with Delilah was all things that he did with me. He was my parent and now he was her parent. He was totally different than Dad.

Dean said nothing else, so I walked out of the room. I could hear that Delilah was making some noise in her room. Castiel was standing outside of her door. There was something really wrong.

"Cas, what happened?" I asked him as I came closer. There was nothing, then I heard her yell again.

"She told me to leave her room." Castiel told me plainly. I looked at him and sighed. He was really useless in figuring out what was realy going on. I moved him, then I opened the door. Delilah was on the ground, next to her bed. She was laying down, while holding her arm. I saw that her suitcase had been thrown and her blanket was messed up.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked as I went to her. There were tear stains on her face. She looked at me and sighed.

"Pleaase just leave me alone." She told me as she tried to control her breathing.

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