Chapter 10

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Charlie and I spent the day doing nothing. We got to watch a lot of Game of Thrones. I had read the books, but I had always wanted to see the show. She was very happy to introduce it to me. It was just a nice lazy day to have. I was in a little pain, but it was bearable for the most part. 

"Dean told me about you waking up every 5 hours." Charlie said as we got the bunker ready for bed. I was turning out lights and she was cleaning up the kitchen a little. 

"Yeah? What did he say?" I asked her. I wanted to know what he said. I also wanted to know if she thought that I was crazy. 

"He told me all of it. The whole not wanting to die thing." She then finished in the kitchen and came to the living room. 

"I was thinking that I could come sleep with you. You know, since cas isn't here and neither is Dean." She said to me. I smiled and I felt a little nervous. I had gotten used to having her around, but I still thought that she was attractive and cute. 

"Sure, I think that could work." I told her finally. She smiled at me with that beautiful smile. 

"We'll go to the hospital tomorrow." She suggested as we walked to my room. 

"Good idea." I commented to her. 

We got in the bed and it was a little weird. I was glad that she was caring. It was nice, but this was a little wird. Luckily sleep came over me before I could say anything.

Charlie made sure that I was in comfy clothes and I had a shower before we went to the hospital. I was glad that she thought of that. I would have forgotten it. She drove me in her little car. It was nice, but she didn't drive like Dean.

"Wait, I want Dean to call before I go get drugged up." I told her. She smiled at me and we waited ten minutes. There was nothing and I knew that I couldn't wait any longer. I sighed and we walked in the hospital together.

I had my ID ready to go. Charlie was going to tell them that I was her sister. It would work. They always allowed family in with them. They got us in a roon quickly.

"So there is this book series about your Dad and Sam." Charlie told me as we waited for a nurse.

"Really?" I asked her. I was shocked a little.

"Yeah, the guy didnt know that he was writing about them and it just sort of happened. I have them downloaded. I think that you should read them just to know what happened with them." She said to me.

"That sounds really good. I think that this is a good idea." I was actually getting excited for it. Then the phone rang. Charlie smiled as she handed me the phone.

"Hey, I'm just chekcing up on you." Dean said to me.

"Hey, Dad. How are things going?" I asked him. He laughed a little when he heard what I called him.

"You were right. This is crazy town. I think that we'll be back in a day or two." Dean told me. I smiled a little bigger.

"Be safe and make sure that Sam knows to stay safe too." I told him. I knew that he was smiling at that.

"I will. Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, Charlie and I are just waiting to get hte treatment done." I told him.

"Okay, well be good." He told me. Then it was quiet.

"I'll call you later." Dean then said. I felt like there was something that he wanted to say.

"I love you, Dad." I said quietly.

"Love you too." He responded with the same tone. I knew that he was glad about this. Then I hung up. I hated saying "goodbye". I looked to Charlie as I gave her back the phone. She was smiling at me.

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