Chapter 13

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Delilah's POV:

One second I was in the library and the next, I was in a hospital. I looked around and I saw that there was no IV near me. There was nothing hooked up to my chest. I was in a gown, though. I looked for the nurse button that I was sued to, but I couldn't find it. I could hear that I wasn't in the same ward.

"Where am I? What is going on?" I asked the nurse as he came in through a curtain. That was something that I really wasn't used to.

"You're awake. I'll be sure to tell your doctor and family." He told me. Another thing that I wasn't used to. I watched as he left the room.

"Delilah, you're okay." Dean said as he came in the room. He then gave me a hug. I hugghim back and closed my eyes.

"What happened?" I asked them. I saw that Sam and Kevin were standing there with Dean. I was a little concered why all of them were here.

"You passed out and we brought you here." Sam told me with a smile. I felt like there was something more going on.

"Come on. We need to get you out of here before the doctor comes back." Dean told me as he handed me my clothes. I pulled my pants on quickl . I realized that there was no br . Not on me, or in the shirt. I sighed and looked to see that Kevin, Sam, and Dean had turned around. I pulled the shirt on while I took the gown off quickly.

"Okay, let's get out of here." I said as I got out of the bed. My legs were wobbly. I grabbed on to Dean's shoulders and he looked at me.

"Damn it." He said. Then he placed his jacket around me. I looked at him as I straightened up. He looked really serious. He lifted me off of the ground and we walked out of the hospital.

I figured that it was night. There weren't really too many people walking around. There were hallways that had lights turned off. We walked out of the hospital and to the car. It was pitch black outside. I must have been out for a really long time. Castiel and Samandriel were standing there, waiting for us to arrive. Samandriel looked really happy to see me.

"Cas, take her home." Dean said as he passed me off to the older angel. I grabbed on to his neck and he seemed to be okay with all of it. I looked back at the others quickly and I smiled at them. Then I was outside of the bunker.

"Thanks." I told castiel as he put me down. Then Samandriel appeared with us. He was still smiling. I walked to the door and let the three of us inside.

"Cas, what happened?" I asked them as we walked further into the bunker. I saw that the place looked like a mess. It looked like someone had a tantrum. I picked up some of the lamps and papers that were on the floor.

"As you were with the doctors, Dean had me take him here. He asked Sam what had happened to you then he started to throw things out of anger." He told me. I smiled as I continued to pick some things up.

"Do you know what the doctors said?" I asked him as I walked to the couch. I felt really good. I could tell that I had some pain meds still going through my body. Samandriel followed me and he sat next to me. I smiled at him and he nodded his head.

"You are healed." Castiel told me. I looked at him with wide eyes. Dean would explain. Someone would explain what Castiel meant.

I waited impatiently for a long tim . Samandriel said nothing to me. Castiel wasnt't really ups for a conversation either. I wanted answers and the two people that were here, weren't talking to me. I got up and changed into a bra. I knew that was why Dean had me pop over here. I was glad that he did that too. His Jacket sat on the couch.

"Delilah?" Dean said as he came in. I ran in the room and looked at him. He smiled at me.

"What happened?" I asked him as he greeted me with a hug.

A Hunter's Daughter (Supernatural Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن