Chapter 14

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We had talked to the parents for about an hour before we decided to leave. Sam and Castiel left in the car that Sam stole, while Dean and I took the impala. We dorve to a diner that was nearby. I realized that we only had a little while till the sun set. That was when we needed to act.

"Why did you just go out and do that?" I asked Sam as we all sat down at a booth. Sam and I were sitting on one side while Castiel and Dean were on the other.

"Because someone needed to and Dean was taking you to get your costume." He told me. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of water.

"We need to do something tonight." I told them. Dean looked at me and sighed.

"Delilah, we don't even have a way to kill them yet." Sam then told me.

"Those girls are going to die soon. It's been long enough. I'm gonna get caught tonight." I told them. I knew that the dragons weren't going to eat me, because I wasn't their type. THat was the least of my worries.

"You can't just go in there and take them out." Dean tried to convince me.

"No, I won't, but you can. Just take their heads off if you have to. I'm not killing them. I don't want to kill creatures for no reason." I told them. The lady come over and handed us our meals that we had ordered. I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was having a stare off with Dean.

"We have to. They took random girls." He told me.

"They were just doing what they know." I corrected him.

"Okay, how are we going to find you, if you do get caught?" Sam then asked. He thought that he was going to win this. I had already thoguht of what I was going to do.

"I have a cell phone. Track it." I told them. They looked at each other. There was no reason why that wouldn't work, if they were, where I thought they were.

"She makes a point." Castiel pointed out. I smiled at him and I noticed that Dean was slightly annoyed that he would agree with me.

We finished our meal and headed back t the motel. I changed into my outfit. Sam seemed to be really upset that I was going to go out there. He kept looking at me, then he would sigh. I made sure that I had my phone and a knife. I wasn't going to take my gun, just incase I lost it. Plus most virgins didn't have a gun.

"Sam, do you not trust me to do this?" I asked him. I made sure to ask him when Dean was at the car.

"That's not it." He told me. I knew that was it. I read enough of the books to know that he was upset at something. He had his back turned to me. I looked around the room for something to throw at him. I grabbed an empty can of beer and I threw it at his shoulders.

"What was that?" He asked as he turned around to look at me. I put my hands on my hips as he looked at me.

"Why can't I go? What makes you think that I can't do this?" I asked him. He sighed and pursed his lips. He was starting to really annoy me now.

"Hey! What is wrong with you?" When he didn't answer me, I thought that I should walk out of the room.

"You shouldn't be going in. Dean doesn't realize that he's doing the same thing again." Sam then said. I studied him a little more carefully.

"What are you talking about?" I sasat on the couch and waited for his response.

"We had a friend who wanted to be a hunter too. She was good. But she ended up getting killed in the process. Dean sort of encouraged her to do it." Sam confessed to me. 

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