Chapter 16

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We walked into the bunker and I knew that I had made Castiel a little happier.

Dean was sitting on the couch, with a beer. He wanted to ignore William as much as possible. Sam was at a table with Kevin, trying to help him organize his notes from the tablet. I looked at William and he looked like he wasn't sure where to go. He seemed to be confident, but I could tell that he was looking for a place to sit down.

"Where should I go?" He asked me. I looked at the little reading area and the chair that I would sit in.

"That is a nice place. You can see everything, plus it's not a bad place to sit." I told him. He smiled at me then walked over to the chair. Castiel went to sit with Dean at the TV.

I went to help with Kevin's notes. I looked at them and I saw that he had the first line finished with. I was surprised that he had finished that much. Sam and I looked at the other symbols and notes that he had. I was hoping that I could figure it out myself.

"You're not going to figure it out. the symblos are always different." Kevin told me with a smile. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Sorry for trying." I said to him as I handed his papers back to him. I settled in the chair next to Kevin and Sam sat across from me.

"What happened to the little angel?" I asked Kevin. He looked between Sam and I then finally sighed.

"He just left me here. He did it yesterday. He just said that he had to go." Kevin told us. I looked at Sam and he seemed to be concerned about it. His brow was scrunched up again. Everything he did that, I wanted to just smooth it out.

"That is weird, but I'm sure that we'll hear from him again." Sam said as he looked at Castiel and Dean. I looked at them with him. Dean was still drinking his beer as he was sulking with the angel. I wanted to know why or how they were so close, but I figured that it would be one of those things that I would have to figure out on my own.

"Okay, where is William staying?" I asked as I walked over to Dean. I figured that sam didn't really care. Dean looked at me and I saw that he was looking for William.

"He's in the chair, listening to music." I told him and his face started to relax a little more. He got off of the couch and walked over to the dragon. I followed him. 

"Hey, how do you sleep?" Dean asked him. William looked at him and took out his earbuds. 

"Did you even hear me?" Dean was starting to get offended. 

"Yes, I heard you perfectly clear. I can hear your heart beat, as we speak. So don't worry about me and my hearing." William told Dean as he stood up. I looked at the two of them as they stood there. William was about an inch shorter than Dean. 

"I sleep as a dragon. So I guess I'll sleep outside." William assumed. That didn't work for me. 

"No, you'll sleep in here. There are places for you to sleep." I told him before Dean could say anything. Dean look to me and I could tell that he liked William's idea better. 

"Fine. Go with Sam and fix yourself a place to sleep." Dean ordered William. He stood there and stared down Dean. He actually looked terrifying compared to Dean. They both did, actually. 

"Will, go with Sam. He'll take ccare of everything for you." I told my dragon then. He looked at me and his face immadiately changed. He looked kind and gentle towards me. He nodded his head and followed Sam down a hallway. 

"Okay, he needs to learn that Sam and I are in charge around here. Just a little respect, that's all that I'm asking for." Dean said as he walked to the kitchen. 

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