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¶This is the last chapter

\And That's What Happened/

Casey's POV

I blinked back my surprise, wondering what it was that Mikey was wanting to tell us. I mean, I just gave the dude my talk Casey Jones pep talk, so I don't really think it's that...

But then again, what else could it be?

I resisted the urge to do my victory dance and nodded towards Red. "Hey, April, weren't we s'possed to study for that math test?" I asked her, and she nodded back.

"Y- yeah, let's go do that! Later guys," she said quickly, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the lair.

As soon as we were out of ear shot Red let go of me, looking me straight in the eye. "Do you think he's really going to tell them?" She asked me. I nodded, grinning. "I don't doubt it for a minute, Red," I assured her. "About that studying, though..."

Mikey's POV
I snuggled deeper into Raph's plastron, closing my eyes.

I knew that the others were waiting. I was waiting. But I needed to wait. I needed to collect myself and make sure that I don't think I'm still there. With Shredder.

I needed to collect myself so I can actually tell them what happened. I know that they already know some of it, but they don't know all of it. And that's what I need to tell them.

All of it.

Taking a deep breath, I began.

"I- I was on the rooftop, ya know, with you guys. I was excited because I finally thought we would take Shredder down. I thought that I could make you all proud of me for once. I thought that this would be the one time that I don't mess it up. And I heard the signal- er, well, I had thought I did. So I jumped down into the lair and I was watching Shredder. I was ready. I thought that things were going great. But I was wrong. I guess that Leo had just given the call, I don't know. But then you guys just... started talking about the plan without me. And it actually, sorta, kinda did hurt. A lot."

"I was mad that you guys didn't tell me the plan, so I decided to go back down the wall. I didn't see or hear anybody, so I thought the coast was clear. I did see you guys trying to get me to come back, but I wanted to prove myself. I wanted you all to see that I can do stuff just like the rest of you. That I wasn't a loser..."

"But I got the opposite effect. Rahzar took me down in, like, one hit. And if it wasn't for you dudes... I would probably be dead," I chuckled humorlessly, making myself not cry.

"I didn't recognize you guys. Ahhh, man. I couldn't even tell if you dudes were boys or girls." I couldn't see them, but I could sense my brothers were reeeeaaaally worried.

"Then all I saw was black. I don't know where I was, but I could only think of the scratch. The weird, grey looking one," I said.

"I knew there was something wrong about it," I heard Raph whisper.

I sighed lightly before continuing. "And then I woke up. Raph was there and..." I remembered that my red banded brother threatened to put me in that cot for a year if I told anyone what he did. I smiled to myself, shaking my head lightly. "And then you guys were there. Donnie was yelling at me, which was actually a little bit scary. 'Cause he never yells."

I realized I was getting off track and chuckled. "Yeeeeah. Leo helped me to the living room, and then you guys left. I... I couldn't get my mind off the scratch thingy- which was actually a tracking device, I think- so I might have, possibly... left the lair to go for a walk. And before you say anything, yes, it was a bad idea on my part."

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