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Rebellious_Blood, no problem.¶

\First Contact/

Donnie's POV

I sat up in the morning when they brought in our food, instinctively already in front of Mikey to protect him.

"Here's your food," Rahzar barked, tossing the plastic plates on the ground. I nodded and reached for the brown mush, my other arm still around my sleeping brother.

Rahzar growled at me and left, murmuring under his doggie breath.

I gingerly shook Mikey awake, still wanting him to eat the food.

Disgust registered on his face and he pushed the plate away, sticking out his tongue in protest. "I am not eating that, Donnie!" He said. "Its absolutely and totally gross. I'm gonna wait until we get back to the lair and eat some good ole pizza. No room for gross crap that probably came from a toilet."

I huffed, not wanting to have this argument again. "Mikey, you need to save your energy. Reaching out to Leo is gonna take a toll on your spiritual self. Now, eat these.... beans.... I think they are," I ordered, practically shoving the colored paste into his mouth.

Mikey gave me a small glare but obeyed, shuddering as the food slid down his throat.

"I swear, dude," Mikey said after I gave him another spoonful, "I'm gonna get you back for this. Pranks are coming your way, bro. Watch out."

I couldn't hide my smile. At least Mikey seemed to be acting like himself again.

I scooped up the last of the food and put it in his mouth, my big brother instincts encouraging me to give him mine, too.

"Still hungry?" I asked Mikey, even though I knew he would lie again, just like he did last time. Mikey shook his head quickly, but I could see the hunger in his eyes. But I can't force him to eat anymore if he doesn't want to.

I frowned and continued to eat my own bowl. Mikey was right; it did taste like it came from a toilet.

As soon as I choked down the last bite, I tossed the bowls and spoons to the side, turning back to an excited Mikey.

"Are ya ready, Mikey?" I asked him, just as excited. He nodded, getting into a mediative pose. I followed him and calmed my mind, reaching out to my oldest brother.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a large white room, floating. I looked around for Mikey, who should've been in here.

I didn't see him, but when I turned around again, I saw a gaping Leo.

"D- Donnie?" Leo whispered. I smiled at him, tears in the brim of my eyes.

"Its me," I answered.

Leo quickly wrapped me in a hug, laughing and crying at the same time. After a second he pulled back, examining me.

"You're hurt!" He said, looking at my cut and partially healed bruise. I shrugged. "Its nothing," I replied.

Leo's eyes suddenly widened to the size of a baseball. "A- a- and M- Mikey? I- is he okay?" He asked me, gripping my forearms tightly.

I was quiet for a moment, then said, "He's really bad, Leo. He's got a bruised neck, broken hands, broken ribs, and probably a lot more."

Leo closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, a tear trailing down his face. "But... he's alive? He's going to live?" He asked me, opening his eyes and looking up at me.

I nodded. Leo smiled a little, tears still coming down his face. "Raph will be too glad to hear that."

I cleared my throat. "So Leo, I have a plan." Leo let go of me and took a step back, nodding for me to continue.

"Me and Mikey are going to escape after I break connection. We need you to tell Raph the plan and meet us outside the lair. Then we can take care of Mikey, okay?" I asked him.

Leo nodded, then smiled at me. "I'll get right on it." I smiled back then got ready to break the connection. I felt a hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes, meeting dark blue ones.

"Warn Mikey about Raph," he chuckled, looking as though he would cry again. "Raph really, really, really missed Mikey."

I laughed a little and nodded, "Will do."

This time I broke the connection, opening my eyes.

I saw Mikey sitting in front of me, still in his pose, confused.

"What's wrong Mikey?" I asked him, concerned. He looked around the room, almost as though he was looking for someone or something.

"I- I- I was trying to contact Leo, like you were, but something was blocking me. It was grey, I think. Yeah. It was sort of like an aura, and it kept me from talking to him," Mikey explained, and I could see his confusion grow the more he tried to explain.

I frowned, equally confused. What on earth could possibly be blocking Mikey from contacting Leo?

I dismissed the wave of thought and gave my brother a small smile. "It doesn't matter, Mikey," I assured him. "I reached Leo. He's agreed to the plan. Are you ready to get this started?"

Mikey smiled back at me and nodded. "Let's do this."

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