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\Bittersweet Reunion/

Raph's POV

I stood in the middle of the dojo, unsure.

Unsure about a lot of things, actually, but mostly unsure about my family.

Mikey's been gone for about ten days.

Donnie's been gone for about seven.

And Leo's just been in his room, all day every day. Unless he comes out to eat or something, he's sitting in his room like a Mini Sensei and meditating.

But meditating ain't done anything to help us.

What we need is to bust back into Shred-Head's lair and whoop some butt! Then we'll get our brothers back.

"Raph!" I heard Leo call, and I hesitantly made my way out of the dojo. "Raph, get your shell in here!"

I frowned and picked up my pace, stopping in the doorway of his bedroom. Leo stood up quickly and grabbed my shoulders, talking so fast I couldn't understand a single word he was saying.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Chill out, Space Nerd! What are you yakking about?" I asked, confused.

I saw Leo take a few deep breaths to calm down, then looked back at me with hope in his eyes. Something I haven't seen since Mikey went missing.

"Donnie and Mikey are breaking out. They want us to wait here for them," Leo said.

Mikey's POV

I watched as Donnie used a knife from the plates and the bone he found to unlock the door in fascination.

I didn't know Donnie could lock pick doors. I wonder if he ever unlocks my door when I'm not around...

"You still with me, Mikey?" I heard Donnie ask quietly from outside the cell, ending my train of thought. I nodded and, as quickly as I could, hobbled out of there.

I nodded at Donnie, who put me on his back, as he tiptoed down the empty hall.

Despite how painful it was, I'm secretly glad I was tortured by Shredder. He must've figured I was too hurt to do anything and that Donnie would be too busy taking care of me to put any guards out here.

Maybe both of us actually can make it out of here alive, after all.

Right as we neared the front door, an explosion blasted me and Donnie apart.

Right before a falling piece of concrete from the ceiling reached me, I saw two figures standing where the door to Shredder's lair used to be.

Leo and Raph.

Leo's POV

I looked around the rubble of Shredder's lair, searching for any sings of life.

"See anything?" I asked my red banded brother, hoping our explosion didn't do any harm.

Raph shook his head, and I could see the same amount of worry in his eyes.

"Leo? Raph?" I heard a voice ask, momentarily distracting both our attentions. It was Donnie, coughing up a storm.

"Donnie!" Raph and I cried in unison, hugging our second youngest brother.

Donnie hugged us back before quickly letting go, head swivelling in all directions.

"Where's-" he began, but was interrupted by a cry of fury.

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