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Donnie's POV

I didn't struggle as the footbots carted me and Mikey into a big, empty room. Excluding a long, metal pole. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.

What the heck did Shredder mean when he said that I was going to hurt Mikey? My shell I would.

I snapped out of my thoughts when they dropped me, followed by a thump when they dropped Mikey.

Mikey looked over at me, fear in his blue eyes.

"You shouldn't be in here," he said, mainly to himself. "Why did Shredder take you, too?"

"I am going to give you one chance," Shredder spoke carefully, "and one chance only. Tell me where your lair is, and tell me where Hamato Yoshi is. I will even leave your other two brothers alone."

I snorted and said, "Suuuuure. Like we would betray our family like that! And besides, we would never trust you."

Shredder laughed, still over a comm system, then sighed.

"Then you leave me no choice. Pick up the pole, and beat your younger brother with it."

I glanced down at Mikey, fear and confusion in his little baby blue eyes.

"Y- you're not serious," I cried, glaring up at the comm. "I will not do that!"

"Oh, you will do it. Because your choices are to tell me what I want to know, beat your brother, or I will kill him. And when I find the rest of your family, I will kill them too. I will make you watch and then kill you, and you will die knowing that their deaths are on your hands."

I felt frozen. My emotional and rational sides were warring against each other, numbing my brain.

"J- just do it, Donnie," Mikey stuttered from behind me, his eyes closed as he waited for the blows. "Just get it over with." Tears formed in my eyes as I finally gave in, lightly picking up the pole.

"I- I- I'm s- so sorry M- Mikey," I said as I closed my crying eyes, lifting the pole above my head.

And then I brought it down.

Raph's POV

I finally left my room after hours of pacing, ready to face Leo.

Face him after I left my baby brother.

Face him after I left Donnie.

Face him after I left both our brothers there.

In Shredder's lair.

After we had made this long plan to go rescue our one missing brother, we leave missing two. Unacceptable.

I walked into the living room, finding Leo in front of the TV. He was in a weird position, his hands laced together and atop his knees, still somehow managing to hold the remote. His eyes were squeezed shut and he was silently talking.

"...Leo?" I finally asked, too preoccupied with my own thoughts to care about what he was doing.

He looked up at me, a sad expression on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Are you... um... uh... okay?" I asked awkwardly, not the one who usually dealt with each others' feelings.

That was Mikey.

IS Mikey.

I blinked away the negative thoughts and focused on my only older brother, who seemed to be mute.

"Y- yeah, I'm fine," Leo lied, and I could tell because he sucked at it. "Ready to talk about the plan?"

I nodded, not wanting to press him on the matter. "Yeah. Sure," I agreed.

"Okay, so here's the new plan."

Donnie's POV

As soon as we were thrown in the cell, I quickly hugged Mikey as tightly as I possibly could.

"O- oh my g- god, I am s- s- so sorry Mikey! I- I- I- I..." I trailed off, watching Mikey slowly move his bruise covered body.

His face had one largish bruise on it, and I winced.

I remembered when I had landed each and every hit, sobbing harder and harder with each one. Mikey hadn't done more that grunt at each one, scaring me.

I didn't want my little brother to feel pain, but I didn't want him getting used to it, either.

"Its fine, Donnie. It really, truly is," he said, eyes dull now. More tears poured from my own eyes. I had done this to him. Me.

"N- no, its not," I cried, letting go of him. "I did this to you. I should've done something else."

Mikey forced a smile at me. "There was nothing else you could do. Just forget about it, okay? I forgive you."

I took a deep breath and nodded, forcing myself to nod also. "S- sure."

Mikey flashed me a genuine smile this time- his eyes brightening a teeny tiny bit- before going back to being serious.

"Now, are you ready to get the plan done?" He asked me. I nodded. "They're supposed to feed us in two days. They leave us alone the days we eat, so we'll get out then. Got it? Think you can hold out until then?" I asked, silently begging that he could.

It didn't matter if we never got out of here. I just don't want Mikey to be hurt.

He sighed and closed his eyes, nodding. "I... think so. I'll try anyway," he said.

I smiled and pulled him into a sideways hug, kissing his forehead.

"There's my little brother."

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