"We haven't truly introduce ourselves," he said

"Yeah,we haven't,"

"I'm Elliott Alexander McGill and I'm 23"

"I'm Emma Olivia Warren and soon to be 19"

"Nice to meet you Olivia," he said

"Nice to meet you too Alexander,"

"We're going to be good friend," he said happily.

"I don't know,you're kinda old," I joked

"Hey!" He yelled and playfully punched me.

"Violent people now a day," I said

"Say that to yourself,"


"You know what?" He asked


"It nice to have someone to talk too.Alan usually on his laptop doing stuff while I'm here all alone and just looking at the boring sky,"

"Then let's have a party here!" I yelled and thrown my arms in the air.

"I love you already," he said with a huge smiled on his face.

"Let's get the party started!" I yelled

"Woohoo!" He screamed.

That's how I see a new beautiful friendship.
Me and Elliott was having our own small party in the pilot room.We have coca cola as our drinks,'Wiggle - Jason Durulo'  was playing through my bluetooth speaker.

Me and Elliott sang loudly.I think we sang it horriblely because we were laughing like a lunatic.

Elliott let me wore his pilot hat which was a bit bigger for me.It kept on slipping and covered my eyes which made Elliott laughed.

He was wearing his black Ray Ban.He looks super hot with that.

"What you gonna do with that big fat butt?!" We sang

"Wiggle wiggle wiggle," we shake our body.

As we were singing someone knocked on the door.We turned around and saw Alan.

"What's going on here?" He asked as he entered the room.

"Party!" Me and Elliott screamed.

Alan shook his head.

"Kids now a day," he muttered.

"Join the party Olav," Elliott offered

"I think I found your twin Emma," Alan said in disbelief.

"We're going to be the awesome siblings ever!" Elliott screamed.

I just laughed at his childish behavior.

"Gosh Elliott you act like 7 years old," Alan said

"And you're acting like 60," Elliott said.

"At least I'm more mature than you,"

Alan Walker Just Save My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now