Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

I eyed the door—the kind that you had to push inwards to get inside. I could easily push it in; but I didn't want to give Yugi's grandfather a heart attack because a wolf was breaking into his store.

In the end I made a wise move I walked inside; pushing the door open with my perfectly human hands. He turned around as I walked up to his counter.

Only one thing came to my mind—it was obvious he was a caring grandfather as he spoke; "Are they alright?"

"Yes," I said softly, "but you have some answers I believe might be useful to me. I can't tell you where Yugi is, it'd be putting you and him in danger. Besides; no where's really safe anymore. If they have the right connections Seto assumes; then they can track us down again."

Grandpa raised his eyebrows, "You call him Seto? You are some of the few people I know that can actually call him that without finding themselves in a middle of a duel with him. He finds his name Kaiba sounds more intimidating." Then he continued to ramble on, "Only the people closest to him call him Seto."

I turned a light shade of pink; I didn't know that. "That's not what I came for." I held my right wrist close to my heart; the warm gold on the bracelet pulsed against my skin—unison with my heartbeat as I said calmly, "This is what I came for. I noticed you had a pyramid shaped object like this on the table. I wondered if you could tell me what it was. I have been having visions for weeks now, and it all involves people from this town, and I've seen that object in my dreams as well."

"Different object have different meanings, and yours is not a Millennium Item." His eyes became older as he spoke.


He motioned to my hand and I held it calmly out to him. His hands rough and dry as sandpaper began tracing the single small golden eye in the center.

"That's what they called them; certain owners of the Vicinity Items. No one knows that much about them—not even their own tribe name--though some call them the Vicinity."

"So this Vicinity Tribe, I guess you could call it, do you know anything else about them?"

"Yes well this I heard from some time ago, back when I was still young. There is a legend saying the tribe had many religious beliefs, including the belief that animalistic spirits could reside in objects—and people. The tribe member's would hunt down animals that were unusual, or powerful, and put them into theses objects. It was said that these items could be worn by certain people, and gain strength from them."

"So this is where I come in?"

"Yes, each person had its own spirit linked with animals. Every single one person on the planet is linked to something; some objects. However; the chiefs wanted to keep power for themselves and for the benefit of their tribe. They made gold and blessed it from their gods. There are gods no one has mentioned before—and that was because they are hard to translate in any current language. They blessed these objects; but not for the chiefs; it was meant for the rightful owners of these objects. However by the legend goes that one day—when this blessing was taken and misused and turning the world into shadows; some could rise and defend. These objects were only made for those that have the spirit of that object's animal in it. Sometimes the object's gave people more than just the power to shapeshift, if that is even possible, though I have heard of other people being able to do similar things." His eyes twinkled for a moment, as if remembering something, or someone.

"What other powers do these people possess?"

"Well how you can shape-shift into one particular animal, other's can too. Then there are Shape-shifters which take any form. Then there is the serpent, the one who does not need anyone but itself to survive. Other wearers will have an item and when removed from that human both will perish from being separated. That bracelet you are wearing, do not ever take it off the result could be fatal," He said. I glanced nervously at my bracelet; I had known I wasn't invincible, but my Achilles' heel; my kryptonite, was just to remove that bracelet?

I ignored asking if taking of the bracelet could kill me as I asked about a word that kept eating in my mind because of Entrez. "So what of animals that were neither fully able to shape shift back into a man, a winged fox, for example?"

"Some animals could be both once their spirit was deceased and placed into the object. It's hard to say what the animals can all do—this legend is after all centuries old. I simply thought it was a myth; but then I suspected you were something of the old ancient Vicinity legend when Yugi mentioned it looked like you had a millennium item. Those disappeared with the Pharaoh; he's long gone now. I retrieved the Yugi's item because I thought it would hold some memories in it for him. The Pharaoh, Atem, he's at peace; and his legacy lives on in Yugi—as you live on the legacy of that tribe, but you live with the wolf. She—or he will be stuck with you the rest of your life. The bracelet is only a temporary bond; based on just some past history I've had researching these things and only until the tribes and their spirits had only become one could they remove their items without harm and then that wolf spirit will be connected to you permanently."

I looked at the golden eye gleaming at me. "What if someone else was wearing the bracelet before me? Could they be a wolf too?"

"If someone before you had worn that bracelet that wasn't supposed to; they have no hope of returning to a normal life. A piece of that wolf spirit will become angry; even evil. That piece of darkness will attach to that person forever and then the wolf will instantly go find their true person because of the insanity. In their own way it's a defense mechanism; they are helpless if no one is wearing them. Is that how you became one with the wolf? It's a she-wolf right?"

"Yes; it's what started everything. My new world because she found me; my old world basically yeah, basically everything. So whether or not I like this I'm in this till the end." I stated irritated. His looked at me with some remorse; and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"It will be hard and you will have moments when you feel like the world does not want you to succeed; but you are our only one to do this. Not me, not even my son will be able to face what's ahead. as a person cannot accomplish this feat alone; but as a wolf you can."

This helped; it made my heart swell with a small bit of hope that was almost gone; vanquished into the moment that I had entered this world had grown—only a little, but it was enough to make me feel gratitude.

"Thanks Gramps. Do you think the one that is behind this—even Oracalcos—is the one who had worn the bracelet before me? Do you think that the wolf inside me was what opened the darkness inside him?"

"I do not know; Hope. Evil is something that cannot love—we are not evil...but whatever that's behind this is, and there's little to no light left inside them based on what I heard they have done to you and Kaiba. If you can't stop one will."

"I'll remember that—" I said stiffly; wondering why I felt as if the world was resting on my shoulders.


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