Chapter Thirty-Four: The Devil Incarnate

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"No. No no no no. This can't be real. I'm dreaming. You're dreaming Seth. She's not there. You're okay. I am not okay!"

Seth continued to rock himself. His crying reduced to no more than a faint mumble. He kept talking to himself. Seth did everything right. Absolutely everything! But he keeps being punished! Seth is the most kind-hearted person out there, but the woman that keeps torturing him always comes back! What has Seth done wrong?! Why won't God leave him alone?! He has no sins to make up for and he always keeps a smile on his face. He's done no wrong but The Devil can't resist chewing up angels and spitting them out.

Seth continued to rock himself. Goosebumps blanketed his body as the cold, night air began to take effect. He was shivering but he couldn't find any will to move. If she was truly back, then Seth would rather quit and move to a new country entirely.

"I'm not staying here. I can't stay here. I have to go to a place far far away. I hear Canada has a nice health care system. No more health insurance. Fuck health insurance! Expensive as shit! Maybe I'll go to Europe. I doubt I'd ever run into her overseas. Oh god! What am I doing?!"

Seth's cries got louder. Footsteps seemed to hurry it's way towards him.


Seth was still rocking himself holding his head. He looked like he just watched someone shoot his parents. Like a devil has him by the throat.

"There you are!"

Seth buried his head in his arms.

"I've been looking all over for you. It's been an hour!"

Seth peeked out to see a brunette. Bayley. She kneeled down beside him and rubbed his back.

"What happened to you?"

Seth couldn't make any words sound like English.

"Breathe Seth. Gotta breathe. You're okay."

Seth shook his head as he cried even harder. Bayley didn't know what to do this time. This was worse than before. He was vibrating like crazy and she hasn't saw him cry this hard. Back when she first found him in Florida, it wasn't that bad. Bayley did all she could to help calm him down though. She picked up his upper half and laid him in her arms. Bayley used the end of her sleeve to wipe away his tears and ran her hand through his hair. Every minute or so she'd lean down and hug him tight.

"I'm not gonna let anything hurt you. You are safe Seth."

They had to have sat there for at least an hour before Seth mumbled something.

"I'm leaving."


"I can't stay here."

"Why not? Why let all of this hard work wash away?"

"She's here."

"Who's here?"

"The girl with pink hair, I talked to her."


"It's her."

Bayley's heartbeat grew. Was it who she thought it was?

"Who's her?"


Bayley's eyes widened. Now she understands why Seth is like this. She cupped his cheek in her hand.

"You're fine Seth. Don't let her drag you down."

"I can't be around her. It kills me."

"I'm here Seth. I'll stay by your side."

Seth was quiet as he let Bayley hug him some more.

"Let's get you up."

Bayley helped Seth to his feet. She gave him a second to breathe.

"You good?"

Seth looked down for a while. Then he nodded.

"Are you staying here?"

Seth nodded again. Bayley wrapped an arm around his back and guided him to the back door of the building. Bayley could feel his shakes slowing down along with his breathing getting quieter.

"Don't let her control you Seth. Be the same guy you were when you woke up. All smiles and laughs."

"I'll try."

Bayley rested her head on his arm.

"Thank you."

Bayley straightened up and led Seth to the bathroom.

"Go wash your face okay. You look horrible."

Seth walked into the bathroom and Bayley waited. After twenty seconds, she felt a tug on her sweater and she was pinned to a wall. A hand covered her mouth as she looked right into her attacker's eyes.

"Listen up bitch. I don't want to see you around Seth anymore. Do you understand me?"

Bayley was frozen. It was Sasha! She felt a punch in her gut and she let out a muffled yelp.

"I said, do you understand me?"

Bayley felt another punch. She quickly nodded as her face winced in pain.

"Another thing. I saw everything outside, if I catch you with him again, mark my words, you will regret it."

A tear shed down her eye. Bayley never saw Sasha like this in person. Only heard stories. Seth was right about her. She couldn't believe that this was the same girl that was harassed at school. The same girl she stood up for in the girls change room. Bayley couldn't quite understand what happened to her to have a sudden attitude change. Sasha removed her hand from her mouth and let out a wink. Then she walked away. Bayley was in utter shock. That was the girl that tormented Seth to the point of suicidal intentions. The same girl he once loved. The same girl Seth bought a ring for. She wiped the tear off her face and watched Sasha walk around the corner. Not a single look of guilt was on Sasha's face. Now Bayley understands.

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