Chapter Fifteen: The Day It All Happened

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The photo shook in Seth's hands. It was that night in the bar Sasha changed. To this day, he still didn't know why. She was so innocent, but everything was different. Her attitude, temper, everything changed including her walk. Seth put the photo down and grabbed the last one the album contained. It was a photo of him and Sasha. They were on the beach. He remembered that day very well. It was so romantic. Everything felt okay. It was such a good day. But that's what haunts him the most.

The Day It All Happened

Seth awoke from the couch. For a moment, he forgot what had happened. The house was oddly quiet. Usually something would be happening but ever since Sasha started acting differently, it's be static. Seth was not used to the feeling. He felt as if he was no longer in a relationship anymore. The thing is though, he wanted to be in a relationship. He wanted to be with Sasha. She was beautiful in her own way. Seth enjoyed the sight of her smile and the mixture of her brown eyes that blended in with her brown hair. He really didn't want to see everything crash and burn.

Overnight, he thought of a plan to show how much he loved her. It couldn't be anything cheesy. It had to be unique. Something he has never done before. Seth thought carefully about money. Expensive things sure are nice. But the idea was ruled out because of thought. Love can't be bought. It doesn't have a price. It wasn't money that caused their love. It was the idea of Seth caring for Sasha. No one else would treat her with respect. But he - a total stranger - did.

* * *

It was twelve o' clock and Sasha was still locked in the bedroom. He approached the door and he gave it a knock.


Seth was still shook about the anger in her tone.

"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Would you like to spend the day with me?"

"Spend the day with you? Of course! The whole world revolves around Seth Rollins!"

"Please," Seth sighed.

The door swung open and Seth flew back. Sasha was stomping her way towards Seth who braced for impact. No meant no right? Seth buried his head in his shoulder and he raised his hands in front of him. Nothing happened though. When he opened his eyes, Sasha stood before him.

"You gonna do all the chores tonight?"

"Y-Yeah," he muttered.

"Then what did you have in mind?"

Seth reached into his back pocket and pulled out a black handkerchief.

"What's that?" Sasha questioned.

"A blindfold."

Sasha took a step back.

"Oh hell no! You are not fucking playing in bed like that! Who do you think you are?! Did you buy handcuffs too you fucking-"

"Slow down! No that is not what is happening!" Seth quickly informed.

Sasha stood awkwardly in silence.

* * *

Sasha couldn't see anything. Why did Seth have her wear shorts? Why was he wearing shorts too? Nothing made sense. Why did Seth call an Uber instead of driving? Why did he make her wear a blindfold? The car stopped after a ten minute drive and Sasha grew concerned. Wherever they were, does that mean the blindfold could come off?

"We're here!" Seth informed.

"Can I take this off yet?"

"Nope. Almost."

With that, Seth guided Sasha out of the car and led Sasha somewhere. It didn't feel like concrete. She couldn't hear other cars or people. Where were they? Sasha could hear something though. Seagulls. And as the walk continued, she heard waves. Seth took the blindfold off.


Sasha was speechless. She looked left and right and saw no one else but her and Seth. In front was a body of water. Seth took her to a private beach! It was beautiful!

"Afterwards, we can go for a walk. Halfway, we get some supper. Then we walk the rest of the way home."

Sasha was nearly crying. It was so romantic! Within time, they were lying in the beach enjoying the view. Meanwhile, they spent an hour or so expressing their love for each other. No disturbances. Seth decided that he was successful. The relationship was saved! Afterwards, they walked back home and just as promised, they stopped somewhere to eat. The best part was how positive it was. He had yet to see Sasha's newfound temper. Maybe all she needed was a little spoilage.

As they finished eating, Seth paid the bill and they were off to their apartment. Sasha could even see the apartment's nearby gas station from where they were. It was a wonderful sight. The sun was setting and the sky was nearly dark. It was only a fifteen minute walk to get back to the apartment. Thank god! Sasha was dying from the adventure. It was a very good day on both of their ends though. Seth led Sasha down a quieter street that hardly saw any activity. All in the interest of his gal. Peace and quiet. They held hands the whole way.

"I've had a really good time Seth."

"I'm glad you did. I love you."

"I love you too."

As they crossed the street, they embraced in a kiss as they walked. But something didn't seem right. Seth heard tires screeching. Then he saw a pair of headlights closing in. Sasha felt herself get thrown forward onto the sidewalk. She fell pretty hard and cried in pain. Then there was a crash followed by a loud yell. One thud later and the sound of an engine speeding up, Sasha found Seth lying in the middle of the street.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Sasha ran up to Seth. "One good day Seth! Why can't you just behave for one day?! You just pushed me! Look at my fucking knee!"

Seth used all the strength he could muster to look at Sasha. Her knee was bleeding. Meanwhile, Seth could hardly move. He groaned it pain. But Sasha continued to scold at him.

"Then you have to fucking get yourself hit! You can't even fucking move dipshit! I bet you won't even be able to work either! Do you expect me to be able to pay for everything with a part time job?! Fuck you!"

All Seth could think was what the hell was going on.

"You're worthless! Get out of my life and never come back!"

Seth felt a kick in his stomach. Why was she doing this? He just saved her from being hit by a car and she's gonna freak out at him?! Seth tried to get up but he couldn't. There he lied in the middle of the street. Tears in his eyes, broken leg, and a broken heart.

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