Chapter Eight: Tranquility

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Seth held the photo in his hand and nearly lost it. His trembling fingers slipped it back into the album and his eyes made contact with another photo. It made him smile.

Two Weeks After Prom

"Seth, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it Bayley?"

"Well, you've kinda been acting strange lately."


Bayley was onto Seth.

"Yeah. You've been kinda quiet."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Not only that but it's also Sasha. She's been acting strange too."

"Shit," Seth thought.

"You just haven't been the same recently. When we text, you're kinda boring and not making jokes. When I try talking to Sasha, she can't look into my eyes. What happened?"

"I'm not gonna lie to you. But...Two weeks ago...At the prom. I uh."

Bayley's eyes widened as she smacked Seth's shoulder.

Shut up! You?! You didn't!"

Seth braced for a slap across the face but as soon as he opened his eyes, Bayley was smiling.

"You? Sasha? Oh my god!"

Bayley was one hundred percent fangirl right now.

"Wait?! Did you?"

Seth's heart was racing. But it seemed like Bayley already had the idea.

"Kiss?" Seth confirmed.

"Ahhhhh! You two are so cute together!"

Well that wasn't the reaction Seth was expecting. He figured Bayley would be mad. As if she wanted him. But no. She was okay. Part of that made Seth feel sorrow. But another part of him felt relief. He didn't want to feel forced to choose. Thankfully he didn't have to. But choice is something that can either save you or kill you.

* * *

The day couldn't have gotten better! Seth received a ninety percent on his Math test! He had pancakes for breakfast, no negativity surged into his day! Sasha was happier than normal and Bayley always brightened the mood! The trio were walking back from school when they drifted off into the park. Seth sat down at the trunk of the tree and watched Bayley and Sasha bond. Bayley always had a basketball in hand after practice and she was dribbling around the court.

Sasha laughed as she attempted to block Bayley's shots but she wasn't even close to effective. Bayley swirled around and leaped into the air. With her arm out and her fingers stretched, the ball rolled off and into the basket. Sasha was panting as Bayley handed her the ball. It was her turn. Being the nice girl she is, Bayley stepped back and let Sasha take a free shot. Sasha adjusted the ball in her hands and threw the ball at the backboard. It was a mile away from the basket and Bayley watched as the basketball rolled along the grass. She peered over to Sasha who looked a little disappointed. After retrieving the ball, she placed it back into Sasha's hands.

"Here, try again. This time, try it like this."

Bayley jumped up and flicked her wrists forward.

"Also, hold it like this."

Bayley adjusted Sasha's hands into the right positions then stepped back. Sasha looked at the net determined. With a leap into the air, the ball didn't go in. But it bounced of the rim and that was progress.

"No worries! You'll get it eventually."

Sasha gave a nervous nod.

"Relax. Take your time. Breathe."

Sasha inhaled slowly and exhaled. Following all of Bayley's suggestions, Sasha managed to get the ball in! They both cheered in victory.

"Now let me show you a layup."

* * *

Seth watched them play for about an hour. His butt was numb and the bark from the tree left its mark on his back. By now he has removed his ponytail and allowed his hair to blow freely in the gentle wind. The sun was slowly going down leaving the sky a perfect mixture of orange, yellow, and black. It looked beautiful! Everything fell into place perfectly. With the perfect weather, a colourful sky, a bright mood, Seth couldn't help but smile. The only sound was laughter and nothing else interrupted them.

Times were much better for Sasha at this point. She has made two friends and is no longer being harassed. It made her happy. Money didn't bother her. Being with her friends was enough for her. Especially Seth. He has really showed how much he cared for her. Seth always talked with her at lunch and always had a story to tell. Whether it was the awkward moment a few years ago with the balloon or if it was how he got this wound. She became very comfortable around him. Whenever she had a problem, he was always there ready to listen. It made her feel secure. Sasha no longer feared being attacked, her bruises faded, her scars healed. Seth would do anything for Sasha. He was willing to spend time with her, laugh with her and not at her, and comfort her. Seth did everything he could to show Sasha mattered. If the world refused to accept that, screw them, Seth will try harder. When he first saw her, he wanted to do something. Even if it meant a black eye. Anything to keep her safe. A bullet won't contact her before it goes through him. No ones hands will force her again. Seth will do anything. Even if it meant dying.

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