Chapter One: A Newfound Friendship

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"Hey Seth! Wait up!"

Seth turned around to find his tutor running after him. His books rested at his left side where his fingers stretched. It was a hot day in Afton, Minnesota and Seth was half sweating. She climbed down the steps and caught up with him out of breath.

"Hi...Seth...How...Are...You?" she asked between breaths.

"Jeez Bayley. Breathe!"

Bayley straightened her body to stand parallel with Seth as she smiled.

"You didn't wait for me in Phys. Ed," Bayley claimed.

Phys. Ed was one of the two blocks they had together. The other being Math.

"Sorry. Mr. Bennett needed to see me right after school."

"What about?"

"My grades," Seth sighed with his head down.

"Are you failing?" she questioned looking concerned.

"He said I'm on the edge. With us only having two months left this year, I can potentially fail."

"Well we better get started!" Bayley smiled readjusting her books in her arms.

"I'll take those."

Seth grabbed the two textbooks that lied in her grasp and put them with his History textbook. Bayley looked at the three textbooks and wondered if that was heavy. Seth was a well built man. It looked like he worked out quite a bit and was proven by his athletic skills in Phys. Ed. He knew his way with a volleyball, he could dribble a basketball at marvelous speeds, his feet danced with a soccer ball. It was the one class that Seth had high grades in. With History and Math being his worst, his second best was Home Economics. It looked silly to see a muscular man like Seth thread a sewing machine without confusion. As Seth and Bayley exited the parking lot, he turned left instead of turning right towards his house.

"Umm Seth?"


"Isn't your house that way?" Bayley asked pointing her finger.

"It's like a hundred degrees! I am off to grab a slurpee."

They walked to their local gas station and entered the building. Seth approached the machine and put the books down beside it. He reached over and pulled out two cups to Bayley's surprise. She wasn't expecting him to buy her one.

"Here you go madam," he said in an accent.

Bayley giggled.

"You don't have to."

"Ahh whatever! They're only like two bucks a cup. No biggie."

They filled their cups and approached the counter. As Seth threw five dollars, he returned to the machine and retrieved the textbooks. He grabbed his slurpee and was out the door with Bayley.

* * *

"Hi Mom I'm home!" Seth yelled across the house.

"Hello dear! Me and your father are going out for the night so you'll be here all by yourse-Hi!"

Seth's Mom made eye contact with Bayley.

"Mom, this is Bayley."

"Hi Mrs. Rollins," Bayley waved shyly.

"She's here to help me study," Seth informed.

"That's wonderful! Sethie dear, I've left some money on the table for you to get some supper."

"Thanks Mom."

"Okay I gotta run. Your father is waiting for me. Bye!" she said storming out the door.


The door closed and Seth turned to Bayley a little embarrassed.

"So that's Mom."

Bayley couldn't contain her laughter.

"Sethie dear!"

Seth rolled his eyes and took off his shoes. He entered the kitchen and placed the books down eyeing the thirty dollars that lied there. He left it alone for now.

* * *

"So that's when Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty silver coins leading to his death. Judas later felt guilt and shame for what he did resulting in his downfall."

"Interesting," Seth said. "Quite the story if I say so myself."

Seth looked at the clock. It was six o' clock.

"You hungry?"


Seth grabbed the thirty dollars.

"Wanna share a pizza?"


"Come on Bayley. You've been generous. Let me treat you."

Bayley thought about earlier with Seth carrying her textbooks and buying her a slurpee. He's been very kind himself.


Bayley didn't want to sound greedy. She didn't want to feel like a sellout to have someone buy her a meal and her gradually accepting that.

"Great! I'll call them. Pepperoni okay?"

"Yeah that's fine."

* * *

"Yes Bayley, the new tubo ginsu! Wa-hoo!It dices, it slices, and it makes french fries and three different-"

Seth slipped on the floor.


Seth crashed to the floor looking as stupid as ever. The floor must of been cleaned when Seth was at school along with his socks plus his excitement causing him to slip. Seth looked at Bayley holding a laugh along with a saved pizza.

"Kids," Bayley sighed.

Seth blurted out a laugh causing Bayley to smile. He raised his hands up.

"Little help?"

Bayley grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet. For a second they just stared at each other. Seth's eye rapidly switched between Bayley and the pizza.

"Dig in."

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