I pulled up my hair into a ponytail before going down from my room after dressing up. Soonyoung was already waiting. As I noticed, he had keys in his hands. 

"What's that?", I asked. "We're not going home tonight?"

"Well, if you want to...", he answered.

"No, really, what's it for?"

"I can drive now. Let's go take a drive or just go anywhere."


I was nervous since it would be my first time seeing him drive, but he drove normally. We didn't really talk. I guess, it's kinda my fault because I was looking out the window the whole time. I was distracted by my thoughts until I realized we were going out of the city.

"Woah, woah, where are we going?", I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Anywhere."

"Okay, that's not a very good answer. Where are we gong when it's getting pretty dark?"

He sighed. "Leave this to me. I just wanna go de-stress somewhere."

I was just about to say something else before thinking he might just get in a worse mood, so I shut my mouth. I looked back at the window and stared until the scenery of city lights started fading away. 

7:48 PM. 8:26 PM. 9:15 PM. Mom and dad could be home any minute now and they'll probably be wondering why we aren't home. We're still driving. I have no idea where we are. Only the street lights are guiding us in this darkness. We're most likely in a province. I felt so sleepy, but I can't seem to close my eyes. I looked over at Soonyoung. He was so concentrated on driving.

"Yah, text mom saying you're staying over at a friend's house.", he suddenly said. "We're going off at the next exit."

"What about you?", I asked. 

"I already texted dad a while ago saying I'll be gaming all night."

"Where are we exactly?"

"To be honest, I have no idea."

I followed his instructions. He took a right to the exit just as he said. It wasn't long until we were swarmed by building lights again. I looked about and saw that we were near the coast. 

"Wanna go to the beach?", he asked. I nodded excitedly in reply. 

He parked the car and we got off. I took in the sea breeze. It felt cold since it was night. I took off my shoes and socks and walked towards the sea to soak my feet in the water. I felt his arms wrap around me while I continued to stare at the distance. 

"You know what,", I said. "We're so stupid."

"What's this all of a sudden?", he asked.

I looked back at him. "We have school and we went on a 3-hour drive to get here. How are we gonna get back in time?"

"Well, then we'll just have to go back later."


"We'll leave in a bit. Probably at around two."

"Two? Heck, are you even sleeping tonight?"

"I don't need sleep."

I got out of his embrace. "Shut up, you need to sleep. But first, where are we sleeping?"

He shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know."

"What the hell, Soonyoung. What are we doing so far from home?"

He pulled me towards him. "Oh, be quiet, you. You can sleep all you want in the car while I drive us back home. We'll arrive at around 5AM. We'll have to sneak in the house, though, but mom and dad are probably still sound asleep by then. For now, let's just take our time here and enjoy the countryside."

I pouted but he smiled at me. "Fine."

We laid down on the sand and watched the sky. I used his arm to rest my head on.I don't remember exactly when was the last time we watched the stars together.

"So, how is this a date again?", I said. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I'm just really asking.

"It's just the two of us, under this starry sky, and we're stargazing.", he replied.

"I bet you can't name one constellation."

"I bet you I can." Then, he pointed somewhere. "That over there is Perseus"

I scoffed. "I don't think you even know what it looks like."

"No, it really is that." So, he drew how the star are connected in the air but I still have no idea what it looks like. Then, he pointed another one, named Draco, and drew it in the air again.

"Okay, whatever you say.", I said, giving up on learning what the constellations are. "Sometimes, I forget you're smart."

"Nah, they're just the popular ones we had to learn for Science."

"What? We have to learn them for-- well, it is an interesting topic."

"I know."

(Third Point of View)

The girl eventually fell asleep through the night. The boy was too busy thinking over his thoughts for the future. He sat up from the ground and looked at the girl. He smiled sadly. He thought, he's probably the reason for ruining her life. If only fate hadn't let them meet. He carried the girl in his arms and got them in the car. He drove them back home.

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