Ch. Thirty-Seven

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I took a deep breathe and enter the key into the doorknob to unknock the door. I slowly began to unlock the door and turned the doorknob to the right gently. I use my flashlight seeing a computer system of security cameras. I walk inside the room and slowly turned the lights on seeing a punch of information and computers turning on by itself when someone enters the room. I stay in shock slowly walking and looking around the room.

I make my way to the white board seeing pictures hanged up looking at them up close. I saw pictures of myself coming from the hospital with Haddie in arms. The other pictures when I was coming out of work. I then spotted a picture of me when I was about seven months pregnant from Haddie. I glanced away looking underneath the pictures that are hanged up seeing information and a copy of my birth certificate. I slowly grab it looking at the birth certificate Zayn has of me.

I felt pain hit me hard as I couldn't stare at anything. It was making me sick. " We have to get out. " I said trying to catch my breathe not wanting to throw up.

Harry looks at me and walks to me looking concerned. " -What? why? " Harry asked while looking at me and noticing that it's all the evidence we needed from Zayn.

" I can't be in this room. -It's too much for me to handle. " I said to Harry as he nods his head slowly.

" -Okay wait outside and look out for me. I'll get the evidence for you. " Harry said to me as I nodded my head and moved around carefully walking out of the room and decided to wait outside.

I watched Harry gather a couple of things as I glanced away from him looking to see if anyone was coming. I decided to walk away from the closet door and look out the window for a second making sure no one is coming. I looked down at my phone and decided to text Jake to make sure if he's okay.

[Andrea]: Jake are you okay downstairs?

I pressed send and locked my phone walking back to the closet door and watched Harry from the corner sitting down for a second frowning slightly. My eyebrows frowned curiously to why he stopped. I slowly walked towards him and stand in front of the doorway seeing him sitting down.

" What's wrong? " I asked Harry as Harry slowly looks up at me with red teary eyes.

" Zayn- " Harry said as a few whimpers come out of his mouth mixed with his sobbing.

" What about him? " I asked while looking at him.

He runs his fingers through his long hair. "He stalked my ex girlfriend. -He killed her. " Harry said looking at me as I slowly inhale air and then exhale air out from my nose trying to catch my breath.

I covered my mouth feeling bad and feeling Harry's pain. " No- " I stood up from sitting down and walking back inside the room where Harry is at.

Harry looks at me with sadness in his eyes. " No what? " he asked confused.

I shook my head slowly. " We are not going to let this some of a bitch break and bring us down with torment. We're going to kick ass back and make him feel the pain we felt. -Harry we can't stop now. We have to end him. You and I. And with that, we have peace at least. And freedom. " I said to give Harry justice and strength.

Harry's tears fell down his face as I take my hand out for him to take. " Come on, let's kick his ass. " I said to Harry as he looks at me and accepts my hand helping him stand up from his chair.

Harry grabs the things we needed and left the room closing the door leaving as I look around for a bag and luckily found one nearby. I reach down to grab the bag and open it to help Harry stuff the evidence in the bag. I gave the bag to Harry to hold it as I glance at my phone to see a text from Jake.

[Jake]: We're good. But hurry.

I look up at Harry. " Let's go. " I said to Harry as we start walking out of Zayn's master's bedroom rushing down the hallway and heading downstairs.

We made our way downstairs seeing Jake looking out the window. Jake turns to look and giving us a you guys are good to go look. I nodded my head slowly. We made sure Zayn's house was secured. We walked back to the car as I opened the trunk letting Harry put the bag in there. I sigh heavily looking at Jake and Harry.

" We have everything. -This is enough to throw his ass in hell. " I said looking at Jake and Harry when all of a sudden a van pops out of nowhere stopping by slowly with a couple of guys come out to grab me as I begin to scream.

The guy covers my mouth as Harry tries  to reach out and grab me but the other guy that came from the van points the gun at Harry and Jake. They take and put me inside the van as they get in quickly rushing to leave. One of the guys covered my mouth with a white napkin and as soon as I tried moving my head away from the white napkin I heard a guy say to the other guy.

" Idiot keep her still. " The guy said driving as I kept moving my head trying my hardest to fight back.

" I'm trying. Keep driving asshole. " The guy said to the one that is driving hearing the guy driving sighing annoyed with the guy that is trying to put the napkin against my nose.

I wasn't able to move until the guy who is holding me against him grips me tightly until I felt the smell of chloroform from the napkin made me feel weak and dizzy.

I BEGAN TO Wake up slowly trying to get a good eye sight. I felt my eyes sleepy and tired. It wasn't just that. It was because I was feeling weak. I was tied up against the chair looking around to see where I'm at. I began to groan feeling a headache and my breasts starting to hurt because Haddie is probably hungry. My baby. My angel. My everything. I feel like she's crying, missing me.

I felt a tear escape from my eyes and breathe slowly looking down to catch my breath and tell myself. Everything is going to be alright.

I lift my head up looking to see where I am and noticing I'm in a basement. I tried to move my legs a bit from the rope that wrapped around them. I began to wiggle my legs a bit to take the rope off. I began to hear the door starting to unlock as I lean my head against the chair.

" Where is she? " I heard a deep british accent asked someone.

" She's right here mate. " Another british accent said as I stood there hearing footsteps coming closer to where I am.

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