Ch. Twenty

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I took some notes here and there and I decided to go take a look at this fraud company where Harry works. Jake is talking and chatting with his wife on FaceTime. He's taking a break while I'm over here working and search a lot of information that I needed to know. I wonder if Harry's family knew about him becoming a stalker.

I was his first case but if I was his first case, then who could've been his second? I kept on using my laptop scrolling the website.

This company is in London of course so I pretty much wrote down some information from the website called Lawrence Management. My phone began to vibrate as I finished writing the location to grab my phone and answer the call.

" This is Andrea Emerson speaking. " I said on the phone pressed against my ear.

" Andrea it's Dannie. " Dannie said on the phone.

I was surprised that Dannie called a bit too soon. It could mean that something is up and I'm praying the news aren't bad.

" Hey Dannie, what's up? " I asked Dannie from the phone.

" Hey Andrea, are you busy? " Dannie asked curiously while I glanced at my laptop screen.

" I am at the moment. Why? What's going on? " I asked Dannie on the phone curiously all of sudden while looking at mu laptop screen.

" Okay because it's regarding about the court date. And the court and the judge want to know when is your due date? " Dannie asked to make sure its the right time to plan the court date.

It's only what two months already so I'm due in March. But I have to go back in November because by then I'll be five months pregnant the doctor will tell me the gender of Harry's baby. It doesn't feel like mine and I didn't want to abortion the baby because I can't feel guilty. So even if the baby doesn't feel like it's mine, I know for sure I'll eventually give in and make the baby my own.

Because at the end of the day I have to deal with the fact that it's my baby that I'm carrying inside even it's Harry's baby. I'll treat him or her mine because it's my baby. And I don't want my baby to think that I don't care or show enough love to him or her. I'll raise my child better and don't ever want them to be like their father.

" I'll be five months in November. So I think I'll be due in March. " I said guessing at this moment because the only person that would know about this would be my OB doctor.

Dannie stays quiet for a second to think things through. " Okay what we can do is when you go back in five months, let me know when you're due. And from there on we'll plan the court date. The case will end after you have the baby. It shouldn't take that long. So we're still working on it. You have to do your hearing too. " Dannie said as I tapped my pen on the notepad.

I frowned my eyebrows together. " Wait I have to do another hearing? I already did the first hearing. " I said suggesting to Dannie to remind her about my hearing.

" You did? When? " Dannie asked to make sure.

" It was last month in June. A week after the whole incident with Harry. They wanted to interview me. And I was okay with it. So I told them my story on how it happen with Detective Holt. -You can ask him yourself if you want. " I said as Dannie begins to remember all of a sudden.

Dannie has a lot of things in her mind so I had to remind her this and that about me and the court. She has other cases to do after so she wants this case with Harry to be closed and be done with once and for all because that's exactly what I want.

" Okay I remember now. I'm sorry Andrea. I'm just trying to work things out here. " Dannie said as I nodded my head a bit understanding.

" Yeah and it's okay I understand don't worry. " I said to Dannie.

Dannie lets a sigh relieve out and not stress about this case.

" So don't forget. I'll update you with more info. " Dannie said as I tapped my pen slowly.

" Sounds good and I'll be waiting. " I said as Jake ends his FaceTime with his wife and kids looking at me as I smile a bit.

I finished my conversation with Dannie and rubbed my left eye a bit looking so stressed. The truth is I don't feel stressed but I do feel a bit depressed about it so I'm praying that this ends because I can't deal with this nightmare.

" What happen? " Jake asked looking at me concerned.

I glanced at him and put down my pen to grab my water bottle once I finished my tea. " It was Dannie, she wanted to know when was I due and I told her in March but I'm not sure yet until I go back to my OB doctor in November. " I said to Jake.

Jake small smiles. " You'll get through this. " Jake said supportively with supportive eyes.

I gave him a small smile in return. " God I hope so. " I said with hope in voice.

I glanced away from him looking at my notepad for a second and then back at my laptop scrolling down the website of Lawrence Management. I glanced at the time seeing it's 10am. The company doesn't close until 10pm. They opened at 7am so I have time. I decided to go spy around that company to see how it is. I gotta thank Harry for leading me to this company because now I know his secret.

Jake looks at his own laptop. " So did you find more about the company? " Jake asked as I began to nod my head at him.

" Yeah actually. The company where Harry worked or works is called Lawrence Management. -I want to investigate more on the company. " I said as Jake listens up to me.

" Do you want me to go with you or you want to go alone? " Jake asked for some company to help me out.

" It's okay I can go alone thank you. I'll be fine. " I said to Jake as he smiles warmly and goes back to looking at his laptop.

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