6 | amelia

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"What was she like?" Liviana inquired as she watched her father slowly pull out a small folded up picture

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"What was she like?" Liviana inquired as she watched her father slowly pull out a small folded up picture.

He opened the picture to reveal a petite blonde woman. She was beautiful. She looked much like Liviana too. In the picture, she stood, pregnant, next to Steve. The faces of the two were filled with so much joy and happiness, which contrasted Steve's sad expressions now.

"She cussed like a sailor," Steve chuckled, "I remember laying in bed late at night, telling her that the babies could hear everything she said. And she'd just say 'that's bullshit'." Steve laughed, recalling the character he called his wife.

"She was half asgardian, half human. Her father, Stin, was like some evil notorious alien that tried to take over Asgard. She never knew much about him. Her mother was an alcoholic, and made her life a living hell growing up— hence why she was so tough and cold sometimes. She was so much stronger than me." Steve told, still staring down at the small picture.

Liv laughed lightly. "Sounds like Valdís. She is very tough, cold and strong. But I think she just does it to protect herself from getting hurt." Liviana told a little about her twin.

"Amelia Joanne Stinson... that was her name. Jesus, it's been so long since I said her name..." Steve trailed off.

Liviana recalled that name, it was etched into a bracelet she had kept since she was born. It was the only thing she had to remind her that HYDRA was not where she came from nor belonged. "Amelia.. that was the name on the bracelet HYDRA left for us. I thought it was supposed to be either one of our names... but it was our mother's name this entire time..." Liviana mentioned but Steve didn't listen, for he was still rambling about how strong she was.

"God, she was so strong," he began to tear up, "her best friend died during the war, and she continued to fight. I cheated on her during the war, and she continued to fight." Steve regretted every horrible thing he had done to his beloved.

Steve sighed. "You probably want to know why you and your sister have powers, huh? Well, I found out your mom had some kind of powerful bloodline that was responsible for taking care of one thing. Your mother could control time, she was responsible for taking care of time and making sure time kept moving in a normal person's life." Steve explained.

"That must explain why I can heal and grow life... while my sister destroys and kills everything in sight." Liv noted. Steve nodded, making sense of the entire situation.

"That must be it." Steve agreed, then warmly hugged his daughter. Hoping to mend the Rogers' open wounds that had no cure for so long.

an: short but I'll update again today. just some background info for those of yall that didn't read the chronos chronicles series.

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