Chapter 5

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Sakura never spent another night in an unfamiliar village again. After the incident with Karin the creepy, she did not feel like dealing with that trouble again. Of course the damage was paid and apologies were made although the owner of the hotel was too afraid to not accept her words.

With her thoughts back into place, she continued her journey for another three weeks asking questions and gathering information on where the semi-missing Uchiha had been. Sakura was getting closer she could feel it but, she always had a doubtful feeling that finding him would be impossible. Unlike the younger self that she had been that would give up easily, she kept pressing on.

That is why Kakashi gave her the mission because she wouldn't give up. Her love was stronger than any obstacle she had to face.


There was a breeze that cooled the air that was controlled by the hot sun. It blew the pink locks out of her eyes and helped her keep going. The long three weeks had drone on and there she was, in the middle of nowhere with only some information to go on.

He had to be in the area. She heard from some villagers that a tall, raven haired man that had a cloak that went all the way down to his feet, had been searching for information just as she was. Although his questions were about any disturbances that had been happening in the quiet place.

Sakura had that only lead. Sasuke was obviously tracking a gang that had been disrupting people's daily lives and that had tried taking over the small villages. He himself had done that while "serving" Orochimaru to gain the snake's trust only to crush him in the end.

Sasuke was last seen about a week ago according to the people of Cycle Town so that meant that the green eyed girl had a chance to catch up to him if she traveled double the speed that she had been traveling for about a month.

With that in mind, Sakura pushed off the tree she landed on with more chakra infused with her feet. There was a loud crack in the air as she looked back at the tree she just left to see that the branch she was on, that was almost as wide as the trunk, had slit clean off.

Well, I need to be more careful with my push offs. She thought with a drop of sweat running down the side of her face.

In about five hours Sakura had gotten to a clearing in the forest that was suitable enough for her to be concealed but have a good spot to have a fire and not burn all of the trees down. She had gotten some food from the last village that she had enough to last her another week so she decided to eat the last of the bento that she had bought.

The bento was curry chicken which reminded her of the death by curry trip that the one and only Rock Lee had taken. She chuckled to herself as she ate thinking of how foolish of children they were during those days.

The fire was small but bright as it lit up the night sky that was completely dark. It was new moon and the stars were like paintings across the blank canvas. The scene lulled her to sleep which seemed lovely at first but then turned into a nightmare.


They found him. How could they find him? His presence was concealed so eloquently that no one could infiltrate him without having the rinnegan lodged in their scull. As far as he knew, no one but him had that blessing and curse so how could anyone find him?

This stupid gang that he had been tracking had surprisingly turned the tables. Sasuke raked his mind for a solution and how they had found him. Dogs. My smell.

Of course! The only way they could have found him was his scent because it is the hardest to mask if you don't have anything to stop it from seeping out of the pores. However, the only way dogs can find someone or something is if a piece of clothing or something like that was recovered. But how did they get a piece of his clothing?

Suddenly there was barking. They were getting closer and Sasuke was losing blood fast from the barrage of giant shuriken that threw him off only minutes before.

He knew that running away wasn't an option anymore, the gang was surrounding him and his rinnegan would not activate for some reason. The gang was everywhere in Sasuke's line of sight constantly throwing kunai and shuriken by the thousands. These weapons were different than normal or poison laced ones. They stung like ten vipers biting flesh and the poison spreading just by one strike. They were made of ice that melted into the wound.

Sasuke was fighting them off to the best of his ability while trying to dodge the vicious weapons. The ninjas that attacked him all had masks that had an waterfall painted over the eyes. For all the traveling he had done there was no ninja village that had that kind of symbol.

While Sasuke was focused on the symbol on the masks one shuriken hit him in the stomach. Then another and another until there were shuriken and kunai lining his arms and legs. The gang soon disappeared as did the weapons lodged in Sasuke's skin. As the poison spread through his bloodstream his consciousness started to slip away. He was falling through the trees towards the secluded forest floor below.


She woke up with a gasping breath and coughing. What the hell was that dream? Sasuke can't be dead. He could've taken those ninjas on. He's stronger than them all. It took a while for Sakura to register where she was and what just happened. What she saw was more than a nightmare it was a vision or premonition. All the dreams that she had were relatively the same. But this one felt weird like she was Sasuke instead of watching she felt everything.

Quickly putting out the fire and gathering all the supplies, Sakura was getting ready to race to him. From what she saw in her dream he was in the Forest of Talking Trees in the Land of Water. He had to be on one of the islands.

He would not die.

She would make sure of it.


Hey guys! Welp, its been almost two months since I've last given you a chapter. No I am not dead as you can see this is not my eulogy. I have an idea and I am going to tell you about it right now..... I shall work on a new chapter every week so I am able to post one every Friday. Hopefully this will work and spark my writing more cause lets face it I am not very good at getting things done quickly.

Anywhooo look forward to the next chapter because SASUSAKU IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I just had to fangirl about that a little bit.

With that I say farewell until next week!



and share thanks you!


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