Chapter 6

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The air in her lungs felt like needles sewing skin on an operation table. It was so hard to breathe with the sinking feeling that Sasuke was dying. No, she couldn't think that way. She had to believe that she could save him. Still the thought haunted her which made her move faster despite little air she was consuming.

The journey to the place Sakura saw in her vision was not a long one. She did not sleep for the whole three days that she had been traveling for she was too caught up in her own thoughts to turn off her mind and too alert to rest. The woman was not scared but determined. The promise she made would follow through.

There were no signs of life in the forest only the whisper of the wind shaking the trees. Although, Sakura had stopped to feel something. Sasuke was close and she felt his energy. She could tell it was faint. He needed the utmost medical attention. Those bandits were ruthless with the inflections that they had caused to the one most precious to her.

Sakura stood silent listening for any noise disturbing the air. For some time it stayed quiet however, just when she was about to move on there was a loud crack of a branch snapping. It came again and again until she saw a body falling through the branches. It's Sasuke, she thought as she ran towards the body ready to catch him.

The man kept falling faster and faster as it seemed she would not reach him in time. He was so close to the ground his wrappings kissed the forest floor. Sakura dove from the branch she was on face first and caught the body sloppily. She was then lying on the floor with the man on top of her.

"Sasuke!" Sakura called out to him as she saw his unconscious face resting on her chest. When he did not respond she laid him down next to her to examine the damage. His only arm looked like a thousand snakes had bitten into it while his chest and stomach were sliced by the branches, and looked like a sword had managed to extract some skin. She dared not to look at his legs as they were covered with black pants. Her eyes trailed back to his head and face only to see many cuts from the trees and a red mark in the middle of his forehead.

The medic would have to find a more secluded area other than the forest clearing to find any internal damage. She could feel the eyes of someone watching from a high tree. However, her patient was more important than any spy. At that moment Sasuke was the only thing that mattered to the pink haired woman. His health was her first and only priority.

Sakura picked up the man wearing all black bridal style to try to keep an eye on his injuries and she searched for any stray cave throughout the forest. They were close to a mountain and found an indentation in the rock quickly. As soon as she got into the cave Sakura set Sasuke down onto the cool rock floor. She had to let Kakashi know about the circumstances that she had run into. Sakura bit into her thumb drawing blood and summoned a small Katsuyu.

"What is you need Lady Sakura?" The slug asked until she noticed the Uchiha lying next to her Lady. Katsuyu gasped and responded with an "Oh my!" before letting the pinkette tell her what to do.

"Katsuyu, I need you to inform Lord Hokage that I have found Sasuke Uchiha and he is extremely hurt and ill. I need to tend to his wounds and until he has recovered will I set out back to our home."

"Is that all, My Lady?"

"Yes, that is all. Thank you." With those words the slug disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Sakura turned her attention back to Sasuke. She would have to take off his clothes to examine and treat him properly. At that thought she blushed and turned away. No no no Sakura don't think that way! He's just a patient! Another patient!

Sasuke was not just her patient but she would not be able to gear herself up otherwise. She had done this before on millions of men but for some reason she could not get the way she felt about this man out of her head. His life was at risk and he was dying for all she knew so this was no time to be embarrassed.

The pink haired medic threw her hair into a ponytail and strapped on sterile gloves. She took off her pack and opened it up to where all her medical supplies had been packed. Sakura took out the scissors used to strip away clothing and started to cut away Sasuke's pants. When she was finished undressing him to his undergarments she found what looked like spider bites all down his legs and torso.

It was time to get serious. Sakura closed her eyes, focusing all of her energy into her hands she raised them over top of Sasuke. Her chakra was spreading out all over his body, drinking in information about how bad his wounds were and figuring out how to treat them. His chakra was running low however it wasn't from over work. There was something in his body feeding off his chakra and making him weak.

She studied deeper going into the bloodstream. His blood had turned to a yellow color making everything slow and painful. This was definitely poison unlike anything she had seen before. It was in Sasuke's bloodstream, in his pores, and soaking in his hair. She needed to extract the poison quickly or he would die.

Sakura grabbed her water bottle and ran to the nearest river. To do this operation she had to be quick and precise. She had to it with water to extract the poison. This surgery would be almost exactly like the one she did on Kankuro however, deadlier and more tedious. The poison was more complex than Sasori's. Sakura can not touch it and if she did, she would die as well as Sasuke.


Hellooooooo People who read my story!!! As promised I have updated on a Friday!! YAAY finally I have got something done on a deadline for this fanfiction!!! Sorry this is so short I am currently on vacation and have not been working on this the whole week I have just written it in the last hour.

Anyway next chapter will be the operation on Sasuke! Will he die? Will Sakura die because she has touched the poison?? No one knows!

Tune in next time if you would like to find out!



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