Chapter 2

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Sakura's mind was running a hundred miles an hour. How can I find Sasuke? Or even give him a message? The last time I saw him was...that day. She thought racking her brain for an excuse to not take this mission.

The pinkette would rather just wait until Sasuke comes back on his own. He himself said that this was his business. Not even she should interfere.

"Why are you asking me to take this mission Kakashi? I don't really understand. I'm a medical ninja shouldn't an Anbu take care of this or even Naruto? I don't get- " Sakura didn't get to finish before Kakashi cut her off.

"Naruto, can you give Sakura and me a minute alone?" Sakura looked to Naruto using her eyes to plead for him not to leave. Although to her dismay the attempt failed.

"Sure Kakashi." Naruto answered him walking out of the room. Once he was out of earshot Kakashi started again.

"Sakura, you're the only one who can do this. I know you have the deepest connection with him than anyone in the entire world. I know you still deeply love him. Even after all this time you completely trust him." Kakashi said standing up from his chair ending up in front of her. He placed a hand on her shoulder looking right into her eyes with a look of concern and kindness.

"He has been paying for his sins that he has committed to all the people he deems necessary, which includes all of the four nations. That means that he may have physical damage. The last one to heal his wounds was you. I think the only one who he trusts to heal his body is you, Sakura."

For a while Sakura only stared at her feet, weighing her options whether this was a good idea or even worth it.

Finally, she met the Hokage's eyes determination filling her own. I can do this.

"Alright... I'll do it." Sakura answered followed by a heavy sigh.

"You leave tomorrow morning so pack and get ready tonight." Kakashi said with letting go and shooing her out the door.

With a curt nod and a bow Sakura left the office to only find Naruto waiting for her.

Naruto looked at her and smirked. "How about we go to Ichiraku's for lunch before you have to get ready?" He asked walking towards her.

She slightly smiled back at him taking a deep breath. "Sure. If, you tell me how you knew all this stuff and managed to keep your mouth shut."

He studied her face trying to figure out what was going on behind those jade eyes, but it was always hard to tell what Sakura was feeling. Giving up that thought and deciding to let the subject go the whiskered faced man put his hands behind his head starting to walk to their destination.

Facing forward he answered her proposal with a smirk, "that can be arranged."

Naruto explained everything while they ate the delicious ramen at the best restaurant in the town. He told her that because he was now a jounin, the chance to become an Anbu was placed before him. Which was accepted.

After the interesting conversation, she had with Naruto, Sakura walked home to get ready for her long journey. As she walked into her apartment the pinkette started to fade into her memory.

'Do you have to go alone? W-what if...I said t-that...I would come with you?' She managed to say as her eyes searching then ending up to meet his own. A small blush was eminent on her face.

He smirked at her actions and stepped towards the girl that has believed in him from the very beginning. Sakura had caught her breath and she looked straight into his eyes. One onyx and the other with the rinnegan. He stared back but with what seemed like more intensity. It seemed like an eternity before he answered but when he did, his words were unexpected but not surprising.

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