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Mira reached for Fayala in an effort to console her but the small human angrily slapped at her extended fingers and scooted back from her hand. Deyan, stunned at her actions, signed Fayala that she should not disrespect the Goddess.

Most of the dialogue between the giants confused Fayala but being able to reach into their minds and see their thoughts helped her to understand and comprehend much of what was said.

"She is not a god!" Fayala signed emphatically, then she glared at Mira, "none of them are!"

     A terrified Deyan looked to Mira expecting retribution, but what he saw in her face was an expression of sadness and remorse.  What he did not see, or sense, was Fayala telepathically shouting the accusation at the stunned Miorpeans.

A distraught Mira extended her hands towards towards Fayala, "please let me help you," she signed

Fayala turned her back to Mira,  slid off the opposite side of the exam tray and collapsed onto the table top. Deyan knelt down beside her. "They destroyed our world," she signed, "they ... created us."

"Of course," signed Deyan, "the gods created everything."

"No," signed Fayala frustrated that she could not explain what she had seen in the minds of the Miorpeans. 

Mira moved around the table and crouched down so that she was close to the pair. "I know you are hurt and angry," she signed, "I promise I will not abandon you."

Bienn watched with great interest the interaction between Mira and the human girl.  He was not sure what fascinated him more, the small human's rapidly growing mental prowess or Mira's sudden display of personal attachment to the girl.  It appeared that not only had Fayala benefited psychically from exposure to Mira, it was becoming apparent that Mira had subconsciously absorbed human emotional proclivities from Fayala. 

Tiasha, Sirena and Otead were not sure what to make of the scolding they had just received from the human. Tiasha rubbed her temples to ease the discomfort caused by Fayala's angry outburst and Sirena  felt something she had never experienced, fear.

Otead on the other hand, saw Fayala as an abomination, he felt only disdain for humans and now he also saw them as a threat. The human female had intruded on their minds and listened in on their conversation. As if that was not bad enough Otead was also having an issue with Mira's growing obsession with these insignificant creatures.

Despite Fayala's impressive display of mental power Mira could not perceive her as anything but helpless, hurting and needing her protection, "I am so sorry you heard that," she signed.

Fayala had finally relented to Mira's determined effort to comfort her. Mira's hand lay on her legs gently stroking her thigh with warmed fingertips. Eventually Fayala allowed Mira to scoop her up into her palm and cradle her. Fayala wiped the tears from her face with a forearm and peered up at Mira. "Who are you?" She asked telepathically, "where are you really from?"

Mira thought for a moment, she looked to Bienn who had picked up Fayala's interrogative.  Bienn nodded, Mira looked down at Fayala sitting stoically in the palm of her hand. "We are from another ... world, we are explorers," she responded.

Fayala's mute acceptance to this epic revelation surprised Mira  but to Fayala it was confirmation of what she had felt and seen in the minds of the Miorpeans.

"The elder," Fayala gestured to Bienn, "said something was put in us, something from you. I do not understand the pictures or words."

  Mira thought for a moment, then lowered her face so close to Fayala she felt the human's warm breath on her  skin.  "It means that we share a life energy my dear one, we are sisters Fayala."

Fayala reached up and placed her tiny hands on Mira's face. "My sister, I want to go home, please take me back to my people."

"Our people," replied Mira sincerely, "I will take you back to our people."

Deyan saw that Fayala and the Goddess seemed to be conversing but they had stopped using sign and  stared intently at each other. The silence was perplexing to him and he must caution Fayala to be more respectful.

Otead struggled to keep his Indomitable Miorpean composure while observing what he saw as an overly-intimate bond developing between Mira and the human. That Bienn seemed to condone Mira's conduct was of great concern to him as well. Otead came to the conclusion that this behavior cannot be allowed to continue, he would contact the Council of Planet Restoration and Reclamation himself and get this resolved.

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