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I woke up to something that sounded like a whimper, and something shift on my bed. I rubbed my eyes open and remembered Daryl was there. I heard it again. Small muffled noises left him and his body tensed. His fists were clenched and he held them up close to his head. I watched him wince and that did it for me. I placed my hand on his arm and lightly shook him. He wouldn't budge. I continued to shake his arm. He's always had a hard time sleeping, he just never said why.

"Daryl, Daryl wake up. Dar-" He woke with a start. As he did he roughly lunged forward to the edge of the bed. He panted, and as he began to collect his breaths, he urgently grasped my hand that was still on his arm. I remained quiet, and waited for him to calm down. I held him until his breathing was steady; I lightly squeezed his hand that was holding mine.

He sighed, and his body finally relaxed as he did so. He laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. I hesitated but spoke up. "Daryl?" He tensed a bit again. He laid there very still, the only movement that came from his was from his breathing. He stayed silent for a moment before whispering, "I shoulda gone home.."

I shook my head. He was trying to close up on me again. "Don't be stupid.. Was it a dream?" He laid still for a sec before nodding. I sighed and sat up completely. "Wanna tell me about it?

He shifted uncomfortably, and hesitated before sayin anything. "'S just a bad dream. Have 'em sometimes.."

I nodded and he began to bite on his thumb. He never spoke of having nightmares before. He looked so vulnerable as I looked down at him laying there. I began to run my fingers through his hair and he relaxed into my touch. He let out a shaky breath.

"I was by myself, out in the forest an' I heard sirens.. I couldn't find my way outta there. Couldn't get to my m- those sirens.. I never do."

I stayed quiet. There wasn't anything to say to that and that was okay. I laid back down and slid my arm over him. He held my hand close to his chest as I nuzzled my nose into the back of his neck.


I was in the same part of the forest I was in when I was lost and left out there when I was 11. I didn't remember how I got there. I's just there. Then I heard those sirens. Panic hit me, I couldn't breathe.
I started running, I had to get to those sirens. I was running for a while. And for a moment, it felt like I was getting closer to them. But quickly they began to fade away.

I couldn't tell which direction they were coming from or why I was so afraid, my head was spinning. I was cryin at this point. My head continued to pound- spinning non stop. And when it became all too intense, the sirens stopped. Heat instantly filled my lungs and I screamed for my mom. I was runnin again, runnin as fast as I could. It was all too much. As I was running my leg caught onto a log and I flew forward-

I woke up with an abrupt start. I was hanging over the side of the bed and I felt Rachel's hand on my arm. I reached over and grabbed her hand. After some time she spoke up. I was embarrassed, but there was no getting around her. I eventually told her that it was a nightmare, and she seemed to understand. She always did. She laid back down and held me, I kept her hand close to my chest. Her touch was calming; it was everything I needed. And before I knew it, I was driftin' off to sleep again.


Daryl slept the rest of the night, and in the morning, he snuck out and knocked on the door just as everyone was getting up. We had a nice quiet breakfast, a part from Layla's occasional mumbles and giggles. I got ready for school while Daryl waited for me in the front room, keeping Layla company. He was surprisingly really good with her, and with babies and toddlers in general.

Once I was ready we said goodbye to Ricky and my Ma, and we headed out. After dropping Lay off, we made our way to our school.

Daryl kept quiet the majority of the day. I was worried that he wouldn't want to do anything like last night again. It was very much like Daryl to keep this kind of thing g to himself, but now that I knew, I wanted him to feel like he could have me there if he wanted me to be.

After school and after getting into the car, he turned towards me. "Hey um- 'bout las' night.. Thank you. I mean- thanks for getting it I guess.. I don't know." He fidgeted with his fingers and dipped his head down, "It was nice. Having you there I mean. Usually can't fall back asleep after.."

A weak smile crept at my face. He was quiet the rest of the day, but his heart was warm. A silent sense of comfort. Contentment.


- December -

The past two months had been the best. It was uneventful but really, it was time for us to explore new sides of each other.  Daryl staying the night became a new normal. It helped him to sleep through the night; we felt safe. Daryl and I. So many forehead kisses. I couldn't seem to get his hand away from mine, not that I was complaining. Something about his rough hands had a way of calming me. His touch in general. His lips were so soft, and sometimes too gentle.

I found myself falling in love with all these newly explored parts of him. His playfulness was a huge surprise. He was always the teasing type, but this was different. His eyes made me feel loved. Secure. He radiated warmth.

We silently decided to keep things to ourselves. Daryl had always been a private person and I had no problem keeping people out of our business. Around my family and at school, we acted as how we always had. But as soon as it was just us, Daryl wouldn't hesitate to grab my hand. He'd even be spontaneous with small kisses. I loved this side of him. I loved knowing that this was only ever for the two of us to know.

Hey! Kinda short but it's here. Hope you enjoyed. Thank youu for reading. <3

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