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Class had just got out, and I had to grab my book for Economics. I started down the hallway when someone ran into me but kept running. I scoffed. These kids were the worst. I sighed and kept walking, glaring at the two boys running. As I turned the corner I saw a swarm of kids, all running towards the circle they had created. A fight. I rolled my eyes as I approached my locker and began to open it.

I looked towards the fight when an old friend jogged up to me. Slightly out of breathe, he uttered, "It's Daryl." My eyes lit up but it was nothing new. I sighed, "Dammit." I put my books back into my locker and slammed it quickly. I doubted I'd need them after whatever was about to happen.

I ran over to the crowd and pushed my way through. I couldn't see much of what was going on due to my height, I elbowed my way in until I finally got to the center of it all.


His hands were up in a fight stance. His eye was already bruised and his cheek had a shiner; blood shown on his nose and his bottom lip. He looked hurt, but he wouldn't stay down. He never stood down.

I looked over at the other guy. Matthew, he had tormented Daryl since the 6th grade, but only last year had they really started fighting frequently. Asshole. Daryl managed to beat his other friends but could never keep Matthew down.

"Daryl!" I shouted at him over all the other chants and scream from kids. I was pissed. When I yelled, he heard me and glanced my way and- Daryl took another blow to the face.

I reacted fast and without thinking, I reached for Matthews's hair. I grabbed it and pulled his head back to face me. As soon as I did my fist slammed into his nose. I then forced his head to the ground and grabbed him by the collar. He put his hands up defensively, preparing to block the blow that would come next. I scoffed at him and pushed his shirt into him, making him stay on the floor. The crowd had gone silent, with occasional sounds of amusement.

I quickly stood up and looked over to Daryl. He was panting and watched as he got up from that last blow he took. He looked furious, but his eyes said embarrassed. He lunged forward at Matthew but I caught his arms. Not looking at me, he yelled at him, "Fucking prick!"

I got in front of his face, making him meet my eyes, "Daryl!" His eyes were red, clouded with anger. I repeated myself without yelling this time, "Daryl." His eyes finally came to and some of his tension eased. "We need to leave now, c'mon!" I heard a teacher shouting and the crowd begin to break up and scatter.

"Pussy! Having your bitch save you!" Matthew taunted.

Daryl's arms tensed but I wouldn't let up.  "Hey- Now!" I said sharply. Daryl looked back to me and only nodded, yanking his arm out of my grasp. He grunted and I mocked him in return. We quickly made our way out the side doors, heading towards the parking lot.


I was angry, so fucking angry. And embarrassed.. How could she do that? Why would she even think to humiliate me like that? Step in and rescue me like I'm- I was never gonna hear the end of it.

She didn't get it. Now there was just another reason for those assholes to mess with me. With us. I stormed off ahead of her. I heard her yelling at me but I kept walking. I didn't wanna hear it, especially not from her.

I heard her coming up fast from behind and when I finally turned around she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to a stop, "You're bleeding dammit, just wait for a sec-" she started. She began to pull her tissues out of her backpack. I huffed but waited.

I was hit with her pack of tissues as she shoved them into my ribs. I winced and she rolled her eyes. I was hurting bad. Hell, if she knew why I was getting my ass beat in the first place. The prick was taunting me. I was fine, ignoring him, but he had to bring her into it.

We walked to her old Dart and got in. She started the car and turned to face me. She held a cold glare for a beat and then shifted out of park. We headed out.

She was silent. I hated her silence. It was her way of being heard. Her silence could pierce ears, and she did it to prove a point. It allowed idiots sit in the shit they've made. And it always worked.

I felt bad for how I acted towards her, but my damm ego was way too big when it came to her having my back. I appreciated everything, but I only wanted to defend her.. And of course she'd end up defending me.

The image of her punching Matthew played in my head over and over. And each time, it became more amusing and less irritating. After sometime I smirked. I looked over at her in amazement and let out a snort. She looked over coldly and I couldn't help but grin.

"What?" She asked sharply, looking annoyed and shit. I just shook my head and looked ahead, knowing it would get a reaction. "What?!" She asked again. This time, not as sharp, though even more annoyed.

I looked over at her and stared for a beat. God I loved that face. I opened my trap, "That was one helluva swing Matty took to the face.." I looked down smirking. Knowing she was trying to contain hers, I persisted until I could get it out of her. "Huh?" I pushed playfully and there it was.

A prideful smirk crept at the corner of her mouth. I went say something else, but I looked down at her hand on the wheel. It was red and slightly bruised. I looked back at her concerned. She noticed.

She shook her head. "Doesn't hurt.. it's fine, it felt great.." She was serious as she stared ahead, but when she turned to me, she met me with a frenzied, yet tired smile. I couldn't help but smile back. Could never stay mad at her.. and I always got her to come around within a short amount of time too-

She frowned. "I'm still pissed Daryl. You can't keep doing this. You'll get kicked out or get really hurt. What would I do then? What would you do?" She was calm but very rooted in what she was saying. I could only listen.

I didn't like it, fighting- but sometimes there's nothing else you could do but fight. It's all I ever saw growing up. I knew what was worth fighting for, and she was at the very top of that list. I had nothing else but her. My brother left, I had only my dad- wasn't any good to me. Only her. Her family too. They were too good to me. I didn't want her mom seeing me like this again. I suddenly felt ashamed as we neared her house.

"They aren't home.. Don't have to worry" She said softly. Crazy how much she could read my mind..

"Where's your mom?" I asked quietly.

"She's at my grandma's this morning with Layla.." she trailed off. I only nodded.

As we pulled up, I looked at her. She glanced my way for a sec, then quickly got out and shut the door. I sat there for a beat. When I went to get up I gasped and grabbed onto the door. I wasn't looking forward to seeing what it looked like under my shirt. I knew she'd ask to see it too. I looked over and saw her watching me struggle to get out of the car. She scowled and turned towards the door; I sighed and followed on her inside.

Hey guys! So this is my first story on here; it's been a story I've been sitting on for a couple years now and finally decided to write it. I don't really know if I'll stick with what I have planned for the characters, but it'll be fun.
Hope you enjoy! Vote/Comment if ya dig it. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks! :)

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