"We'll check his boat for weapons, then find away to expand my powers?-"

"-Not enough time to expand your powers-"

"-Let me at least work on it when-"

"-And have you risk get injured? Not before his battle. We need you for this."

"Psh. I'm the prophecy!" You started walking backwards, grinning, "I'm not going to get-"

You let out a squeal as you fell backwards.

"Yeah, sure-"

"That was a root."


"And that's-what? Is that my name being called?"

Peter couldn't help but grin as you raced off, "Weirdo."


Everyone silently found their way to the dead forest.

You, Peter, James, and the Lost Boys slowly walked towards your destination. Eying around, hand fidgeting...you were all terrified.

But you stood walking in front, shoulders straightened and head high.

You were confident...that the plan would fail. But you couldn't show that, you were the heroine or Gigi's story.

Your hand tightened on the katana you had strapped across your back.

"Okay, everyone get prepared. When we jump down that hole, we'll be in a battle field. I'll go first, you come in after a few minutes."

You leaped down, landing gracefully on the floor.

"Magarta..." You hollered, "I came to talk with you!"

You stepped forwards a few steps, then felt a presence behind you, and turned.

Nothing was there.

You looked around, noticing the room was empty and even darker than it had been.


You yelped as you were slammed forwards, face planting into the ground. You groaned, eyes widening as you felt hands grab at your form, clawing at you and covering your mouth.

You gasped roughly, turning around the once more he greeted by nothing. You fell onto your back, kicking the floor until your back was pushed against a wall.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared a few yards from you.

"Was it smart to come here, (Y/n)?" Her voice hummed, "With those petty lost boys? Peter and the boy who betrayed you?"

You glared.

"Just tell them to come down here, I already know they're here."

At these words, the Lost Boys, Peter and his brother, jumped down.

"Hmm. Sad, isn't it? Your stupid plan failed?"

And Straight On Till Morning - Book 2 [Peter Pan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now