Day 7 - Magic/Miracles

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Title: I Came Back

Pairing(s): Kallura

Rating: Gen

Keith couldn't remember the last time he'd slept nor did he care to remember. Whenever he slept his dreams tormented him with her. With Allura. In his dreams she was alive and happy. The war was over and they were living on Arus together. Not as friends, oh no, but as a couple. In those dreams he was happier than he had ever been in his life and he never wanted it to end, but they did end. He'd wake up and remember that she wasn't there anymore. That they hadn't even had a chance to start before she was taken.

So he had decided not to sleep anymore. That way his dreams couldn't torment him with something he would never have.

Now that he didn't sleep Keith found he had a lot more time to figure out what their moves against both Zarkon and Lotor should be. He was currently halfway through his planning and he was sure he would've completed it by now if everyone would stop interupting. Keith knew they were all worried about him and if he wasn't so exhausted he would probably care.

Keith had been staring at the same bullet point for nearly two hours now. He was currently unable to think of what the next thing should be. 'Maybe I need some sleep. Perhaps that will help, but if I sleep I'll see her again. I can't keep going through that.' Even with his attempts to stay awake, Keith couldn't and eventually he fell asleep.

When Keith opened his eyes he was in his bed, back in his shack on Earth. As he looked around he noticed everything wasn't as he had left it. Everything was different.

The sheets on the bed were more expensive looking and feeling, as were the curtains and rug? Keith frowned. He didn't remember borrowing that.There was also a vase of desert flowers on the window sill that he didn't remember picking. Confused, Keith made his way to the living area.

The first difference that he noticed was that his rickety old sofa had been replaced by a newer and fancier one and there were a lot of kids toys on the floor. Wait, kids toys? What on Earth were these toys doing in his shack when he didn't have any. Before he could question it any further Keith heard noises coming from outside. The noises he heard was the distinct sound of kids laughing and the sound of someone familiar laughing.

As he listened to the laughing it didn't take him long to figure out who it belonged to. It was Allura. Excited, he made his way towards the front door. As he opened it he went to call out to her.

That was when he woke up to find Allura sitting on the edge of his bed.


"You're finally awake!" she said as she turned to face him.

Keith shook his head. "No, you can't really be here. You're, you're dead. I must be dreaming again."

Allura frowned. "I'm not dead, Keith, and you're not dreaming. I'm really here."

"But that's impossible! You died in my arms."

"While, yes, that is true Coran and Pidge managed to bring me back."

"How? Wait, you know what? It doesn't matter how I'm just glad you're here." Keith said before he moved next to her so he could kiss her. "Please don't do that to me ever again alright?"

"You got it."

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