Day 3 - Dreams/Memories

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Title: Foreshadowing

Pairing(s): Kallura

Rating: Gen

"Hold on, Princess. I'm coming!" came a paladin's voice over intercom.

"Hurry." Allura replied as she began to quickly make her way towards the armoury.

The Galra had managed to disable the Castle's systems and were now getting ready to board. She still had no idea how it happened. Also she was all alone on the ship. 'Where in Altea is the crew?' she thought. On her way to the armoury Allura heard the sound of Galra yelling orders and marching. 'This never would've happened if the Voltron paladins were here. Speaking of which, where are they?'

Allura knew one of the paladins was on his way, but what had happened to the others? Had they been destroyed and the lions captured? Or had both lions and paladins been captured? 'Focus, Allura! Deal with the Galra first, then figure out what happened to the Paladins.'

Once she'd entered the armoury Allura grabbed her staff. Staff now in hand, Allura got ready to fight the intruders.

It wasn't long before a group of ten soldiers entered the armoury.

"She's got to be in here somewhere. Spread out and search the area!" one of them called out.

As they searched the area Allura silently made her to the door and locked it. Afterwards she quickly dispatched of them.

"Are you nearly here?" she asked the red paladin.

"*static* there!"

"Paladin, repeat that please."

"I said *static* there!"

Before Allura could ask again the door to the armoury was blasted open. The force of the explosion knocked her across the room. As her mind and body began to slowly comprehend what just happened Allura heard a familiar voice.

"What's this? Princess Allura is about to be captured by the Galra Empire and the Voltron Paladins are nowhere to be seen? What a shame!" the voice chimed.

'Impossible' she thought when she saw who it was. "Lotor?"

"The one and only. Now," he said unsheathing his sword, "it's finally time to bring an end to Altea's royal family."

Lotor raised his blade and got ready to bring it down on her. Allura closed her eyes and waited for it all to end. When it didn't she opened her eyes to see why his blade hadn't struck her. Keith's blade had stopped it.

Outraged by Keith's sudden interference, Lotor began to push down on his blade, hard. Keith's arms began to ache and he knew he wasn't going to be able to hold this position much longer. Gathering his strength, Keith suddenly pushed against Lotor's blade with enough strength that he caused Lotor to stumble backwards.

"You alright?" Keith asked Allura.

"I'm fine." she replied, getting her staff ready to fight once more. "Ready to help me take back the Castle?"

Keith smiled. "Of course."

During their fight it wasn't long till Lotor realised that he had no hope of winning this fight and decided it was best to leave and try again when he had way more soldiers with him.

"Should we go after him?"

Allura shook her head. "No, let him go. We need to focus on finding the other paladins and repairing the Castle. We can worry about him after that's done."

"As you wish." Keith said as he put his bayard away. He then made his way over to Allura and pulled her into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Same here."

"You look exhausted. Why don't you go rest and I'll get started on repairs."

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you Keith." Allura said as she went to kiss him.

That was when Allura woke up. She was in her bedroom, in the Castle, back on Altea. She wasn't in space, the Galra weren't trying to kill her and her childhood friend, Lotor, certainly wasn't trying to kill her. Allura ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath. 'It was just a dream,' she told herself. 'It was just a dream.'

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