Day 2 - Flowers/Altea

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Title: Unexpected Surprise

Pairing(s): Allura x OC

Rating: Gen

Come by the holodeck, I have a surprise for you


'Hmm, what are you planning Korvid?' Allura thought after reading the note she'd left.

As she made her way to the holodeck she thought about the rollercoaster that was their relationship. When they'd first met each other they had absolutely hated each other. As time went on they realised that they'd been quick to judge one another based on their species. Afterwards they had decided to sit down and talk and before they knew it they'd fallen in love.

Love. Allura smiled at that thought. She hadn't been expecting it to happen when she woke up, but now that it had she'd never been happier. Who would've thought an Altean and Galra would've fallen in love after everything that had happened?

When Allura entered the holodeck she found it dark and empty. "Korvid where...." before she could finish her sentence the holodeck came to life and she found herself standing in a purple juniberry flower field.

"Now I haven't managed to uncorrupt all of it so there may be some glitches here and there, but it's a start right?" Korvid said from the other side of the field.

"Korvid. Did you really do all of this just for me?" Allura asked as she made her way to where Korvid was.

She smiled nervously and ran a hand through her short white hair. "Yeah, I really did. By the way everything here is still fully interactable so you can pick whatever the hell those are." she replied, gesturing towards the juniberry flowers.

"You mean the flowers?"

"Oh, is that what they are?"

"Yeah, how did you not know that?"

Korvid shrugged. "I've spent most of my life in space and when I have been on a planet they haven't had any nature except for the occasional dead tree."

"Wait, so you've never had the opportunity to make flower crowns?" Allura asked.

"Flower crowns?"

Allura giggled before she stood on her tippy-toes so she could kiss Korvid's cheek. To make it easier for her Korvid bent down. "Come on, let me show you how to make them."

"As you wish, love." she replied.

As Allura taught Korvid the art of making flower crowns she found herself talking about Altea, her family and her life before the war. Korvid listened intently. She enjoyed learning about other planets.

When she finished the flower crown she was working on Korvid looked up and over to Allura, who was silently crying. Laying the crown to one side, she made her way over to Allura, wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close to her body. "What's wrong?" Korvid asked.

"I miss it all so much. Altea, it's people, my father." Allura replied.

"I know you do and if I could I'd bring it all back for you."

Allura pulled away so that she could look Korvid in the eyes. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would. Not even Voltron would be able to stop me."

Allura smiled. "Is that so?"

"That is so. I love you Allura."

"I love you too Korvid." Allura said before kissing her.

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