Day 6 - Loyalty/Deceit

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Title: Everything Is Not As It Seems

Pairing(s): Allura x OC

Rating: Gen

Allura's POV

"So it's agreed, we gather with our allies and attack Zarkon within 10 quintents." Allura announced.

"Yeah!" everyone agreed.

"Hey guys, where's Korvid?" Lance asked.

Allura looked around the bridge to see that Lance was right. Korvid was nowhere to be seen. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen Korvid for the entirety of the meeting.

"Maybe she went back to her ship?" Shiro asked.

"Maybe...Coran can you signal her ship please?" Allura said

"Princess I can't."

"Why not?"

"It's no longer here."

Before she could begin to question the ship's sudden disappearance Zarkon and his fleet appeared.

"How did they find us?" Keith asked.

"I think your friend gave us up for their own survival." Kolivan said to Allura.

"Clearly." she replied.

As everyone quickly rushed to their stations to get ready to either flee or fight Allura could feel her chest tightening with anger. She had trusted Korvid, revealed things to her that no one else knew and this is how she chose to repay her? By giving them up to Zarkon. "Why, Korvid, why?" she muttered under her breath.

"Are you alright Princess?" Coran asked.

"I'm fine, just regretting not attacking her on sight, when we first met her."

"In all fairness we don't know if it was her. Her and her ship disappearing just as Zarkon shows up could just be a coincidence!"

"I seriously doubt that Coran. Now let's stop talking about her and focus on Zarkon."

"Of course."

Korvid's POV

"Good job today men. Now let's get that upgrade on the ion cannon started so that it's ready when we get back to the Castle." Korvid said.

"Yes Cap'n." her crew replied.

Late last night Korvid and her crew had left the Castle's side to visit a ship graveyard they happened to be near for search of parts to upgrade her ship. She wasn't in a hurry to return because when she'd been getting ready to leave Hunk had seen her and asked her what she was up to. She had told him and asked him to tell everyone else, since she didn't have the time to, to which he had said he would. So since everyone was aware of where she was there was no point in rushing.

Several vargas later they finally caught up to the Castle again. When Korvid saw Zarkon and his fleet she felt her heart drop.

"Signal the Castle." Korvid said.

"Of course Cap'n." replied her first mate. After a few dobashs of failing to reach them she knew it was hopeless and decided a better course of action was needed.

"Alright get me a shuttle ready so I can get to the Castle."

"And what should we do?"

"Attack them with everything we have and, if its upgrade is finished, make sure to put that cannon to good use."

"Aye Cap'n."

Since their attempts to contact the Castle had failed Korvid doubted the shuttle bay would open for her. As a result she'd have to find a different way to get on board. Fortunately when she had first boarded the Castle she had quickly taken note of every possible exit and entrance and now she was going to use that information to get herself on board.

Once on board Korvid set out to find everyone. During her search she came across and destroyed a lot of Galra sentries and a few soldiers.

A few dobashs later and a staff came out of nowhere and hit Korvid, knocking her to the ground. Slightly dazed, she rolled onto her back and was very confused when she saw her attacker.


"You have some nerves come here after what you did." Allura said.

"I'm confused. What did I do exactly?" Korvid asked as she slowly sat up.

"You gave us up to Zarkon!"

"No I didn't Allura. Do you really think I would return if I had given you up?"

"I suppose you have a point there, Korvid, but if you didn't give us up then where were you when he attacked?"

"I was at a nearby ship graveyard getting upgrade parts for my ship, but you should already know that because I asked Hunk to tell you."

"Hunk, is this true?" Allura asked, turning to look at him.

"Yeah it is. I must've forgotten to tell you. Sorry." he replied.

Korvid sighed and shook her head. "It's alright Hunk, it doesn't matter anymore. Now, Allura, how do you feel about me helping you force Zarkon to retreat?"

"I think I like the sound of that. Let's do it."

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