Day 4 - Family/Home

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Title: A New Home

Pairing(s): Allura x OC

Rating: Gen

Korvid looked out at the ruins of Zarkon's ship. The war was finally over and yet she didn't feel relief, she felt sadness. The sadness she felt wasn't towards Zarkon, no she was happy that he was gone. The sadness was towards Allura.

This would be where she and Allura would part ways. That was the deal after all. She and her crew would help her and the Paladin's defeat Zarkon then they'd part ways. At the time she'd been fine with it, but as time went on she and Allura had gotten extremely close and she wasn't ready for this bond they'd formed to end. That and she literally had nowhere to go.

Planet Doom was in ruins, pretty much everyone throughout the known universe hated Galra and she had spent her entire life in space so the adjustment period to living on a planet, if she could find one, would be long and hard.

Korvid was so lost in thought that she didn't hear Allura approach her. She only became aware of her presence when she touched her arm. Not expecting it, Korvid jumped, spun round and got ready to defend herself. Realising it was only Allura, she relaxed immediately.

Korvid sighed a sigh of relief. "Allura, it's only you."

"I'm sorry that I scared you." Allura replied.

"It's fine."

"What were you thinking about?" she asked.

"Just figuring out where to go next. With the Empire gone there's no more ships to pirate and no one in their right mind will allow a group of Galra to live on their planet."

Allura knew all too well that she was right. While not all Galra were bad (Keith, the Blades of Mamora and Korvid and her crew had shown her this) it would be a long time before the rest of the universe would realise this, if they did at all.

To Allura it wasn't fair that Korvid and her crew had to aimlessly wander around space. They'd been instrumental in helping bring down Zarkon and didn't deserve this. If only there was something she could do. Wait, maybe there was.

"Why don't you and your crew come with me and Coran to Arus?"

"Allura, as kind as your offer is, I seriously doubt the Arusians will want us there." Korvid replied.

"I'm sure they will. Especially when they know I trust and want you there."

"Really? You want me there?"

"Well, yes. I don't like the idea of you aimlessly wandering about space and, over these past few years, I've really come to like you and it wouldn't feel like home if you weren't there."

Before Korvid to respond, Allura kissed her. Completely and utterly shocked, she froze. Her heart began to race and she had no idea how to react. She had dreamed of this happening, but had never thought it actually would. Now that it was she had no idea what to do.

When Allura pulled away Korvid immediately saw the look of confusion on her face. 'Why didn't she kiss me back.' was what the look said. Not wanting Allura to think she was rejecting her, Korvid pulled her in close and kissed her back. Once they had pulled away, again, they rested their foreheads against one another's.

"You really want me to come back to Arus with you?" she asked.

"Korvid, I never would've said that, or kissed you, if I didn't." she replied.

Korvid chuckled. "Mmm that is quite true, isn't it."

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