Day 5 - Grief/Joy

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Title: Don't Leave

Pairing(s): Kallura

Rating: Teen

TW: blood //, injury //

Allura's POV

The pain in Allura's left side was growing worse and her legs felt like they would give way any minute now. She wouldn't be surprised if they did. That fight with Lotor had taken a lot out of her and while she had managed to get a few good hits in, so had he. No matter how severe the damage Allura had still come away victorious.

After she had won the fight Lotor had been taken away by his guard. That was five minutes ago. She now found herself slowly walking down the hallway of an empty and damaged Galra ship, back to her shuttle.

As she walked Allura began to try to focus on other things rather than the pain in her side. First of all she thought of her life back on Altea. Her mother and father and the times they'd spent together. Both the good and the bad. Coran, and everything he'd done for her before and after Zarkon's betrayal, then came to mind. 'By Altea he must be worried sick right now.'

A couple days ago she, Coran and the paladins had discussed the best way to put a stop to Lotor. Even though they had known his location they had all agreed it would be best to wait and see what weaknesses he had rather than rushing in. All, but Allura that was. She thought it was best to strike now just in case he decided to leave the area he was in and they'd lose track of him. So she'd left in the middle of the night and used a shuttle to reach Lotor's location.

Allura was halfway to her shuttle when her legs finally gave way and she fell to the ground. Instead of trying to get back up she propped herself up using the wall and sighed. Her side was now in agony, her legs ached and she felt extremely exhausted. She was sure that even if she was to try she wasn't getting up again.

Since she wasn't going anywhere any time soon, Allura decide this would be the best time to check her wound. Her entire left side was covered in blood and more blood continued to leak from the wound each time she breathed or moved. There had to be something she could do she help stop the bleeding and perhaps give Coran and the paladins more time to find her, but what?

On the other side of the hallway was an open door that lead into some sort of control room with a large window that gave you a clear view of outside the ship. As Allura was looking around to see if there was anything that could help her she saw a flash of red pass by the window. Not sure if she had seen right, Allura stopped and watched the window. A few minutes later the red lion passed the window. "Keith?"

Keith's POV

When he had realised she gone after Lotor by herself Keith had freaked out. He and everyone else knew that she was going to get herself killed, but not everyone was ready to rush to their lions and go save her like they had been when Zarkon had captured her. That annoyed Keith quite a lot. When he'd been against going after her previously, everyone had been outraged that he'd been willing to sacrifice her and now that they were willing to do exactly that, it was fine!

"Unlike with Zarkon we know absolutely nothing about Lotor. It would be suicide to go after Allura, Keith." Pidge had said and while she did have a point, losing Allura would be disastrous. Without her they couldn't create wormholes and without those wormholes saving the universe was going to definitely be a lot harder.

As well as that Keith didn't want to lose anyone else he was close with. Yeah, sure he and the others were friends now, expect maybe with Lance. He was closest with Shiro and Allura and, well, Shiro wasn't around right now and because of that they'd somehow gotten a lot closer. Now, if he didn't do anything, he was going to end up losing her as well and there was no way he was letting that happen. So here he was, in Red, looking for an entry point of a damaged Galra ship large enough for Red to land inside it.

Normally he'd blast his way in, but he didn't know what part of the ship she was on and he didn't want to risk injuring Allura. 'What to do, what to do. Hmm, well there are a few places that I can fit through so perhaps I go in alone, find Allura and depending on how injured she is I can always have Red blast a hole where we are.'

"What do you think Red?" he asked.

'It seems to be the best course of action.'

"Alright, let's do this."

Now on board Keith began to quickly search the ship. By how damaged and empty the interior was it was clear that the Galra, and Lotor, had lost this one, but that didn't mean that Allura had come away from the battle uninjured. As he searched it wasn't long before he came across what looked like a gladiator ring. 'That looks like the most obvious place they would've fought. Best check it out.'

When he got down to the ring he saw just how much blood covered the area. It was a huge mix of dried blood and fresh. Fresh? Bending down Keith dabbed a finger on the blood to see just how fresh. From its feel it had just started to congeal meaning whoever this blood belonged to was still nearby.

'With this amount of fresh blood they should've of left a trail.' As he scanned the area it wasn't long before he found where it lead and so he began following it.

It wasn't long before he found Allura. When he saw her Keith was filled with happiness and began sprinting to her. That happiness soon faded when he saw what a state she was in.

Allura's breathing was extremely laboured and the amount of blood that covered her side, as well as the ring and what had begun to pool around her, began to worry Keith. No one could survive this amount of blood loss and, even with Red's speed, they'd never reach the Castle in time to get her to one of the healing pods.

'Do not fret, my paladin. They are nearly here, she will survive this, but you need to keep her conscious. Talk to her.'

Keep her conscious. Right, he could do that.

"Hey, Allura. It's me." he said, gently caressing her cheek.

"Keith? You came after me?" she asked weakly.

"Yeah, of course I did. I'd be crazy not to." he replied.

"Are the others?"

"They're on their way. Listen, I need you to stay awake alright?"

"You lot were right. It was stupid of me not to listen, to think I could beat him and come away uninjured."

"That doesn't matter anymore, Allura."

"But it does matter. They're never getting here in time and there's something I want to say before..."

"No." he said interrupting her. "Don't start talking like that. You're going to survive this. I'll make sure you do."

"Please, just let me talk Keith."

Keith shook his head. "Whatever it is that you want to say can wait until after you're healed." he replied as he very gently picked her up. "Red you know what to do."

A few seconds later and Red had shattered the window to the control room and Keith and Allura were quickly headed for the Castle.

"Just hold on Allura. We're nearly there."

Instead of replying, using up what strength she had left, Allura kissed Keith. After their kiss Allura rested her head on his shoulder and it wasn't a couple minutes later that he felt her stop breathing.

"No, no, no, no. Don't do this to me." he said as he quickly moved them from his chair to the floor so he could start CPR. "Come on Allura. Don't do this. Please don't do this. Please don't leave."

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