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[Sent 6:25am]
Byeol: Hello?

Science partner: Byeol? What's wrong?

Science partner: Did something happen?

Byeol: Huh? No.

Byeol: Were you hoping to escape from working with me for science? Well it looks like you're out of luck. I'm not doing this by myself so you'll have to pull your own weight.

Science partner: Omg is this why you messaged me so early in the morning?

Science partner: For science?

Science partner: And to think that I was worried for even a second

Science partner: I'm heading back to sleep

[Park Jimin is offline]

Byeol: HEY WTF




[Byeol Song is offline]

[8:19 am - before classes start]

I really didn't think that I was the type to get so easily upset, but this guy always seemed to hit a nerve. Upon entering the classroom I see his face, he's chatting away and really seems to be hitting it off with a group of female students. Really, the nerve of that guy! He ignores me and then goes off flirting with a group of girls. With my destination clear in sight, I storm over and bang my hand on the table where he's sitting. Immediately, the girls around him begin glaring at me but he just flashes a grin at me and begins waving happily.
"Morning Byeol! Sorry about this morning." He exclaims, seemingly unaware that I was angry at him.
"Whatever, just meet me after class. I'd tell you now but I'd prefer to not get death threats from our beautiful audience." The group of girls surrounding him click their tongues and roll their eyes as I say this, shoving me as they dissipate and go their separate ways. Great, my day started off horribly and it looks like it'll keep getting worse. Before Jimin can say anything, my back is already turned and I'm walking away.

[3:15 pm - classes have ended]

As I head out of class I see him scrolling through his phone, leaning against the wall as he waits. He doesn't seem to be paying any attention to his surroundings so I come up with and idea - wouldn't it be fun to see his reaction if I scared him? With that thought in mind, I try to blend in the crowds of students going past and then like a lion hunting its prey, I leap out at him, head butting him as I do so.
"Ahhh, my head!" We shout in unison.
Whilst still clasping onto his head, he turns his attention to me and shouts, "Byeol! What the hell are you doing!?" And with that, a couple of students begin turning around, searching for the source of the loud noise.
Being the person that I was, having a lot of attention on me was something that I always aimed to not do and so I begin walking fast, walking very fast towards the exit, making sure to drag his arm along with me as I do so.
Half whispering and half shouting I say, "What the hell was that for!?"
Without any notice, he reaches for my hand a places it on his forehead. In that instance my heart seemed to skip a beat, it was so sudden after all! But then I realised oh, there's a lump here...hahaha. Quickly, I yank my hand away from him and take a step back.
"Ha ha ha...anyway, come over to my place today we need to discuss what we'll be doing for the science project."

Hey guys! Not sure if anyone reads this or waiting for a chapter update anymore but hey, I guess I'm back. Sorry for taking so long but I hope that you guys enjoy this update, I'll also try to update more often from now on so look forward to it.

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